
Hat-trick for Thomian



Sohan: A drawcard at College dances

Most of the big school events, held overseas, seem to be having a Thomain in the spotlight!

The old boys, of St. Peter’s College, celebrated their Centenary, in London, with Sohan Weerasinghe, on stage, and Sohan happens to be an old Thomian!

The Old Bens, UK, celebrated their ‘Big Ben Night 2022’, with Sohan as a guest artiste, backed by the group Exceed.

And, on Saturday, November 5th, Sohan was in London, again, and this time it was the Josephians who were keen to have him perform, at their 125th anniversary ‘Blue & White’ Gala Dinner Dance 2022.

So, obvious, it was a hat-trick of College performances for the Old Thomian, who is a classy entertainer, and there is never a dull moment, when he is on stage…performing.

While in London, Sohan also visited Lords – the home of cricket.

Back home, Sohan & The X-Periments have a whole lot of events lined up, including many sing-alongs.

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