Happening scene…with The Jetliners
However, the celebrations held to mark the 70th birthday of the General Manager of the Galadari Hotel is still the talk of the town.
I had the full story in the Thursday Island of 25th January and I continue to get calls, and messages, asking me about The Jetliners scene at the party.
All I can say is that they were simply fantabulous; age certainly hasn’t diminished their musical capabilities.
Those present were taken back to the good old days of The Shadows – Cliff Richard’s backing group.
I was reminded of The Shadow’s lead guitarist Hank Marvin when Indra Raj went into action. It was electrifying guitar playing.
Felix Fernando and Anton Gunawijaya were equal to the task and, as one leading local artiste commented:
“It must have been a rare occasion. Seeing The Jetliners live was like seeing the Beatles of Sri Lanka when we were kids.”
And I had this letter coming my way from Anton Gunawijeya:
“We, the original Jetliners, were individually invited by our dear friend Sampath to celebrate his 70th Birthday.
Anton Gunawijaya
“On arrival, the three of us, Felix Fernando, Indra Raj and myself (Anton Gunawijeya), realised that this was a unique moment in time, being together ‘One Place, One Time,’ as we last performed together at The Jetliners Farewell Concert, in Colombo, in 2013.
“We spontaneously decided that for ‘ One Night Only ‘ we would perform as The Jetliners – a Birthday Tribute to our very special and dear friend Sampath.
“It was a joyous experience, I hope for all present, but most certainly it was for us as we had both Mignonne and Roger Menezes, dear Jetliner colleagues, join us, plus our very dear friend Suren Ediriweera, who supported us excellently on drums.
“We also had a talented younger musician Suraj Gunewardene not only join us on stage, but also helping us with equipment, etc.
“Looking back, we would not have missed this occasion for all the Tea in Sri Lanka, so Thank You Sampath.”