Guidelines issued on returning Sri Lankans and tourists
All incoming passengers or tourists had to get the approval of the Foreign Ministry and other relaxant authorities or from Sri Lanka Tourism to enter the country, the Ministry of Health said yesterday issuing guidelines on quarantine measures for travellers arriving from overseas during the pandemic.
All travellers must submit health declaration forms to the staff of Airport Health Office at the arrival lounge, Director General of Health Services Dr Asela Gunawardana said.
Sri Lankans who return after two weeks of receiving Covid-19 vaccine must submit their vaccination certificate to the airport health officer. They will be transferred to a quarantine centre/hotel by the government where they will be subjected to PCR tests. Once the PCR reports are available, the passengers can be released. The passengers should arrange for their transport home.
“The passenger must then contact the nearest MOHs and show them the discharge documents issued by the quarantine authority. After informing the MOHs, they no longer have to be quarantined. However, after seven days of arrival visitors have to undergo PCR testing again. If they test positive, health authorities will take appropriate action.
Sri Lankans who arrive without taking the vaccine or waiting for two weeks after vaccination need to stay in a quarantine centre until two PCR tests are done, on day one and on day seven. If both tests are negative, they can leave the quarantine centre/ hotel. The passengers should arrange for their transport.
“Drivers of these vehicles should wear appropriate PPEs and adhere to CIVID-19 guidelines when transporting passengers. As with the previous category, these individuals must also report to the MOH and present the discharge document by the quarantine authority. The balance of the 14 days of quarantine must be spent at home under the supervision of the MOH.
Tourists who arrive in Sri Lanka two weeks after vaccination would adhere to the same guidelines as Sri Lankans of the same category. If the PCR test done on day one is negative, they still have to wait in hotels until a second PCR test on the seventh day clears them to enter the bio-bubble and visit approved tourist sites.
Tourists who arrive without vaccination or completing two weeks after taking the jab will have to undergo mandatory quarantine in a certified hotel for tourists. “They will have to undergo PCR testing within 24 hours of arrival. They leave the country within 14 days, the second PCR test must be done depending the date of the departure and they will be allowed to leave if they test negative. For example if the tourist is leaving on day eight, a PCR test must be done on the 5th or 7th day. If the tourist stays for only 96 hours in Sri Lanka, there is no need for exit PCR tests. If the tourist stays 14 days or more, the second PCR must be done between 11th and 14th day.