Government Legal Officers’ Association strikes, seeking justice
The Government Legal Officers’ Association (GLOA) has decided to go on strike in protest against Monday’s attack on unarmed civilians who were engaged in a peaceful protest at Galle Face on Monday (09). It has called for legal action against the perpetrators of violence.
A media statement, signed by GLOA President, Attorney-at-Law Gayani Premathilake and Deputy Secretary Attorney-at-Law K G Kumarasinghe, says the government has failed to uphold Article 12. (1) of the Constitution which states that All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law and Article 14. (1) of the constitution which states that Every citizen is entitled to – (a) the freedom of speech and expression including publication; (b) the freedom of peaceful assembly; (c) the freedom of association;(d) the freedom to form and join a trade union; (e) the freedom, either by himself or in association with others, and either in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching; (f) the freedom by himself or in association with others to enjoy and promote his own culture and to use his own language; (g) the freedom to engage by himself or in association with others in any lawful occupation, profession, trade, business or enterprise;(h) the freedom of movement and of choosing his residence within Sri Lanka; and (i) the freedom to return to Sri Lanka. the association had decided to resort to the above action.