
‘Give hope to disabled leprosy persons this Christmas’



The Society for the Upliftment and Rehabilitation of Leprosy Affected Persons (SUROL) founded in 1971 became a government approved charity in 1973 (Registered Number: L59906). The uniqueness of SUROL is that it serves those disabled by leprosy. Disabilities, including clawed hands and feet, amputated fingers and toes, make it difficult for our beneficiaries to earn a living. Due to their condition many of our beneficiaries are shunned by their communities.

SUROL supports its 250 beneficiaries through a monthly allowance sent to their bank accounts on the first working day of each month. This enables them to have easy access to funds and helps them to integrate into society. SUROL spreads joy to their otherwise painful lives by gifting them with two hampers each, every year, one during Christmas and the other during the Sinhala/Tamil New Year.

This Christmas, SUROL intends to distribute the hampers personally to the affected families. Each of the 250 hampers will consist of basic items like dhal, flour, soya meat, sugar, tea, potato, onions, garlic and a cash gift for which SUROL will need at least Rs 10,000/- per hamper.

SUROL supports leprosy affected persons irrespective of caste, creed or colour – Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians are all treated alike. SUROL requests the public to contribute towards this very deserving cause by visiting www. or by contacting 0112503263 or by emailing

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