Get booster shots or face virus tsunami, warns State Minister
By Rathindra Kuruwita
State Minister of Production, Supply and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals Prof. Channa Jayasumana yesterday urged the public to get the third anti-COVID booster shots ahead of the upcoming festive season. He said people had been initially hesitant to take booster doses, but that kind of vaccine hesitancy could lead to a tsunami of Covid-19, towards the end of the year. “People will visit their friends and families for the New Year. I don’t think this should be stopped. That’s why we are trying to give the third dose in the coming two weeks. We must encourage the people to get booster shots. If you travel around without receiving the booster dose, get ready for serious consequences by the end of the year,” he warned. So far 1,266, 552 people have been given the booster shot.