‘Foreign Exchange Act and New Changes’ – a seminar by National Chamber
The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka with the Department of Foreign Exchange (Central Bank Sri Lanka) will be holding a half- day seminar on the subject, ‘Foreign Exchange Act and New Changes’ on June 27 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at the National Chamber Auditorium, 4th Floor, No. 450, D R Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10.
The seminar covers; all aspects of the Foreign Exchange Act; liberalized foreign exchange operations, new regulations; offences and penalties under the Act; dealers of foreign exchange etc., and there will be a panel discussion at the end, giving opportunity for interaction. For further details, please contact the National Chamber on 011 4741788/076 2555 707 (Nishanthi / Thushari) or email;