
Fifty teams vie for ‘Honda Trophy’ at MCA ‘G’ division 25 over league tournament



Charaka Perera – Director/Chief Operations Officer Stafford Motor Company (Pvt) Ltd (2nd from right) hands over the sponsorship package to the President of the MCA, Mahesh De Alwis (3rd from right). Also in the picture (from left) Damitha Jayasundara, General Manager, Stafford Motor Company Sirosha Gunatilake, Vice President and Chairman Cricket Development Committee, Hasitha Dassanayake, Chairman MCA Sponsorship Committee

The MCA “G” division 25 – Over League Tournament 2024, last of the main tournaments

in the MCA 2024 season, sponsored by Stafford Motor Co. (Pvt.) Ltd for the 13th successive

year, got underway on the 4th of May

The MCA – Stafford Motor Company partnership is the 3rd longest running sponsorship

with the highest number of teams.

50 teams including 04 new comers, pooled into 08 groups are vying for the glittering

“Honda” Trophy. A total of 147 half day matches. (132 matches in the league stage & 15 matches in the

Knock –Out stage) will be played.

Following are the teams with grouping:

Group “A” (06 Teams):

ACL Cables PLC, MBSL Bank, Star Garments (Pvt).Ltd, CDB “B” ,

Hayleys Group “C”, Acuity Knowledge Partners.

Group “B” (06 Teams):

99X, Brandix Apparel Solutions, Regnis Appliances, Metropolitan

Group, Palewatte Dairy, Sri Lanka Telecom.

Group “C” (07 Teams):

Pyramid Wilmar, CIC Holdings, Sysco Labs, United Tractor,

Contrinex Ceylon, Revocare Solutions, Vouge Tex (Pvt) Ltd.

Group “D” (06 Teams):

Alliance Finance, Amana Bank, Lion Brewery, VS Information,

Amazon Trading, Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd.

Group “E” (06 Teams) :

JF & I Packaging , MAC Holdings , Allianz Insurance, Orient Finance

, NDB “B”, Singer Sri Lanka “B”

Group “F” (07 Teams) :

HNB Assurance, Kelani Cables, Waters Edge, Synergen Health,

Wiley Global Technology, ZILLONe System Solutions, Unilever Sri Lanka.

Group “G” (06 Teams):

Aitken Spence Group, Coca Cola Beverages, MAS Kreeda,

Inqube Global , South Asian Technologies, A Baur & Company (Pvt) Ltd.

Group “H” (06 Teams):

McLarens Holdings , HSBC “C”, Technomedics International,

London Stock Exchange Group, Commercial Credit & Finance PLC, Ceyline Holdings.

Player Control Team (PCT):

MCA appointed Match Referees for the entire span of the tournament, officiating umpires, assigned by the Association of Cricket Umpires Sri Lanka and officiating scorers assigned by the Sri Lanka Cricket Scorers.

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