Midweek Review
Exiting Wisdom
By Lynn Ockersz
If you are blighting your youth,
By hunching over a computer screen,
And in the process losing your virility,
O young people of the Nodding Isle,
Then, I cannot blame you wholesale,
For your effusive rulers’ minds,
Are fixated on a digitalized state,
To the exclusion of all else,
And they harangue you no end,
That there’s no future for you,
Outside an ICT education strait-jacket,
But pause awhile and think on this gem,
Coming off the pen of the great T.S. Eliot:
‘Where’s the wisdom that’s lost in knowledge?’
‘Where’s the Knowledge that’s lost in information?’
Tell your rulers, then, that you need an erudition,
Where the arts will balance the sciences;
Tell them you do not want to be in league,
With the One-Dimensional Hollow Man,
Of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.