
Everyone’s a singer…



Ash Jayasinha: Technology is there but we shouldn’t be slaves to it

I had many messages coming my way regarding my article in the Thursday Island of 12th October – ‘Lyrics stand and phone in hand.’

Today, I highlight two.

* Dilan Jayatilleke, Moratuwa:

Your article, ‘Lyrics stand and phone in hand,’ certainly made interesting reading.

Those artistes who use lyrics stands or handphones for guidance, I’ve noticed, sing in a deadpan voice…expressionless.

The trouble here is that everyone thinks he or she is a singer. One must remember that not everyone is suited to a career as a singer.

Having strong vocal skills is crucial to becoming a successful professional singer.

In addition, singers must be able to control their breathing.

Singers must also be able to clearly articulate the words they are singing, while singing them.

A good many of our singers are like parrots – singing without any feeling, etc. I don’t think they even know the real meaning of the lyrics of the songs they sing.

* Ash Jayasinha, Australia:

I don’t know how many of you have been to large international gigs at places like the MCG, etc., and observed what goes on, on-stage. They all have lyrics prompts but they’re very careful to be very discrete about it!

They usually have a set of screens in front of the stage, facing themselves, where the stage monitors are. Or they have a prompting device set in the wings of the stage, hidden away.

Nothing wrong with that as long as you don’t focus on that too much and making it obvious! I mean, yes, it’s best if you could not use any aides but if you have to, be discrete about it.

The entertainer should ENGAGE with the audience at all times. They should make the audience feel that they are singing TO the audience. And I do agree that singers today brazenly pull out mobile phones on stage and check lyrics out all the time. This makes them disconnected from the audience. It’s almost as though they’re delivering the song mechanically, with no feeling.

Technology is there but we shouldn’t be slaves to it! Even in studios these days there are pitch correction devices, etc., and some musicians use them to hide their mistakes rather than correcting their mistakes.

Sad times, indeed.

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