Midweek Review
English Writers Collective Creative Writing Competition – 2022
The English Writers Collective of Sri Lanka (EWC) invites entries for their annual literary competition of creative prose writing and poetry. Literary articles, reviews, short stories of up to 2500 words and poems of 32 lines or less, are welcome. Two prose entries and not more than five poems could be submitted by a competitor. Entries sent should not have been published in a book/magazine/newspaper earlier.
Entries should be in type 12 and 1.5 spaced; and submitted with full name of competitor, email and snail mail addresses and telephone numbers. Submission must be by email and in paper copy, register posted as follows:
Prose entries to Lilamani Ebell, mtlebell@gmail.com; 15/8 Nuwarawatte Place, Nawala
Poetry entries to Nelani Goonawardena, nelanigoonewardena@gmail.com;
197/22, Pattiyawatte Rd, Kothalawela, Kaduwela
This year’s prose entries will be judged in two categories: short stories and other writing.
Poetry in two sections: under 20 years of age and over 21.
The best three entries of prose writing in each category and best three poems in each section
will be awarded prizes
Deadline for all entries – 28 May, 2022