
Enforcing Environmental Law: A Timely Partnership between the WNPS and the BASL



Exchanging of the MoU and the BASL office Ms. Savanthi Ponnamperuma AAL, Member/ Secretary of the Environmental Law Committee of the BASL, Ravindranath Dabare, Chairman, Environmental Law Committee of the BASL, Sriyan De Silva Wijeratne, Past President WNPS, Spencer Manuelpillai, Immediate Past President WNPS, Graham Marshall, Vice President WNPS Graham Marshall, Vice President WNPS, Isuru Balapatabendi, Secretary, BASL, Revan Weerasinghe, Chairman of the Legal Subcommittee of the WNPS and Deputy Chairman of the Environmental Law Committee of the BASL, Charaka Jayaratne, Convenor, Environmental Law Committee of the BASL

In an era where countless environmental offences and crimes are often overlooked or go unpunished, the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) has entered an MoU spanning a period of three years with the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL), a WNPS news release said.

“The partnership’s primary purpose is to ensure greater levels of enforcement of environmental law in Sri Lanka, thereby supporting the conservation of natural resources for the generations to come,” it said.

The release explained that the agreement’s objectives are threefold and comprise joint and collaborative projects between the two parties aimed at 1) increasing awareness and education among lawyers with respect to environmental law in Sri Lanka, 2) increasing the interest in environmental law among lawyers in Sri Lanka and 3) increasing awareness among lawyers to environmental issues prevalent in the country.

Accordingly, the parties have shortlisted several projects to be conducted during the term of the agreement, including the establishment of a contact list of BASL environmental lawyers for WNPS District Representatives to liaise with in order to obtain the necessary legal expertise and guidance to initiate action in their respective areas. The BASL has further pledged to offer support to the WNPS with respect to any litigation on any critical national issues, as and when the need arises.

“Due to a low rate of expertise, knowledge and appreciation on environmental issues, the two parties will conduct an orientation programme with the support of senior environmentalists and resources from the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC). The programme will further be conducted on a district basis under the guidance of the BASL. These activities will further be reinforced by webinars conducted for BASL members on environmental issues, the release said.

“In the wake of numerous violations of the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance reported daily, we believe that this integral partnership between the WNPS and the BASL addresses a pressing need by supporting the enforcement of environmental law in the country, and upholding justice for the voiceless,” stated Isuru Balapatabendi, Secretary, BASL.

A regional training programme titled “Know your environmental rights”, for DWC staff, WNPS

District Representatives, and school environmental organizations will be conducted to disseminate essential knowledge and expertise among those serving on the frontlines of environmental conservation, WNPS said.

“We anticipate that by building knowledge, awareness and interest among key stakeholders, we will be able to safeguard and sustain these essential resources, and protect our nation’s valuable ecosystems in the years to come,” stated Jehan CanagaRetna, President – Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS)

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