
Embracing a family culture of positivity and growth during COVID-19



Family’ stands the tallest amidst all uncertainty. Covid-19, the pandemic that shook the strongest of nations in 2020 has continuously proved the very same. Nobody escaped its effects despite how we perceive our social, economical or cultural differences. The world transformed in a blink of an eye, and COVID-19 cares less about who we are.

Critical element of maintaining a healthy emotional state in children is to have parents or care-takers being available to them emotionally. This means paying attention to their problems and validating their emotions whenever they express them. In Sri Lanka, parents need to be more aware of this and consider it a serious issue without letting children grow out of it.

Consultant Child Psychiatrist at Lady Ridgeway Hospital and a member of the Colombo Medical Faculty, Dr. Dulangi Dahanayake states the above, identifying the timely physical and mental challenges of both children and adults. Setting healthy family practices and creating a safe platform for expressing emotions should not be overlooked. Your child needs reassurance that you will understand and support them through their mental struggles more than you think.

As a brand thriving to create constructive conversation on mental health on all platforms, Softlogic Life believes in positive dialogue that leads to action. With its award-winning ‘Leda Leda’ campaign, ‘Honda Leda’ (good sicknesses) now encourages a supportive culture within family units. With a global pandemic at our hands, we all need to be equal participants in family activities and nurture healthy practices with children. A closely knitted family surrounded with positive energy is the future investment we need, and it’s time to act on it.



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