Dr. Shashi Tharoor to deliver Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Oration on Oct. 31st
The 18th Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Oration will be delivered by Dr. Shashi Tharoor on October 31st at 5.30 pm at the Lotus room at the BMICH.
Dr. Tharoor is an Indian parliamentarian, a best selling author with 23 books (fiction and non-fiction) to his credit, a comelling communicator and a brilliant orator.
Dr.Tharoor will speak on ‘Is expansion of BRICS the beginning of a new world order’.
The event is organised by the Alumni Assiciation of University of Colombo.
The late Sujata Jayawardena is an illustrious Past President of the Association who rendered yeoman service to the institution.
For registration, email (HG)