
Dormant Animal Welfare Bill gets turbo boost after Cher’s criticism of Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage?



By Ifham Nizam

The Cabinet has granted approval for the publication of the Animal Welfare Bill in the government gazette.

In addition, approval was given for submitting the Animal Welfare Bill to Parliament for ratification.

According to the Department of Government Information approval was granted for drafting the Animal Welfare Bill on the 19 October 2020.

The Attorney General has given the clearance for the draft Bill.

The Island learns that Cabinet approved the much-awaited Animal Welfare Bill a few days after a US pop star Cher criticised a state-run elephant orphanage.

The Animal Welfare Bill was drafted some 15 years ago to replace a century-old law. However, the Bill was delayed due to a number of reasons.

Last week, US veteran singer Cher took to Twitter to criticise the state-run Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage over a video shared by the orphanage of a new born twin elephant being taken to the nearby river for their first bath, along with their mother and a fellow herd member. The video showed a caretaker dragging one of the elephants to the water by its ear.

“Does this look right, humane to anyone? These babies look terrified, they want their mother. Why do PPL sell their souls for dollars,” said Cher in a tweet.

“The zoo will make a fortune and then elephants momma, and nanny will be traumatized forever,” she tweeted again.

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