DFCC Bank releases Annual Report, continues to revolutionise stakeholder reporting & engagement
DFCC Bank, the Bank for Everyone, recently released its Annual Report for 2021, in line with its now standard stakeholder-centric, multi-format, multi-medium approach Implemented 5 years ago. This unique approach to reporting has helped the Bank become more stakeholder-centric, amidst an increasingly digitally connected world, and cater to the diverse requirements and preferences of its wide and varied stakeholder community.
DFCC Bank’s Annual Report consists of the following features and formats, which are unique in the industry: a comprehensive integrated annual report in HTML format targeting the diverse interests of stakeholder groups and providing an enhanced user experience to find, record, and share information easily. Being more search engine efficient, this format also targets a wide audience; A landscape-oriented, coffee table book style layout to differentiate the Annual Report look and feel from the rest of the competitors; a concise integrated annual report in PDF, print, and CD formats primarily intended for archival and statutory filing purposes; Annual Report Snapshots in English, Sinhala, and Tamil for public reference; and an Annual Report Updater Portal and complementary Annual Report Updater App for instant access to important post-release information.