
Dead scene for local entertainers



*Big names thinking of disbanding!

With absolutely nothing to look forward to, and the entertainment scene at a complete standstill, those who are very much a part of the showbiz industry are in a quandary – wondering what’s next in store for them!

Some believe there is no hope – nothing to look forward…at least, not in the very near future, taking into consideration the damage the killer virus is now doing to the entire country.

The leader of a popular outfit was heard to say that, at present, the setup looks pretty hopeless and that he is seriously thinking of disbanding his group.

They all pin the blame on the activities that took place during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year festivities, for the present situation in the country.

There were so many crowd-gathering events held to celebrate the New Year, especially in Nuwara-Eliya, and other holiday destinations, with some of the TV stations also contributing to this now horrible scene, with avuruda events, like Kumariya and Kumaraya contests, games, etc.

Entertainers have now got to face the music – no work.

While local musicians are in a predicament, things seem to be brightening up for their counterparts, elsewhere.

Switzerland, where Suzi, of Friends’ fame now reside, is planning to relax the lockdown rules…or, perhaps, do away with restrictions, altogether.

According to Suzi, the authorities have plans to open up on May 28th. But, says Suzi, such an announcement will be made on May 26th (tomorrow).

“They are watching the numbers and keeping track of the situation. Vaccines are being given very fast – 20% already given.”

The singer is eagerly looking forward to the re-opening as, she say, she will then be able to perform live – for the public.

In the meanwhile, Suzi can now be seen and heard, regularly, on the social media platform, TNGlive.

Some kind of normalcy has also come into effect in Dubai, especially where entertainment is concerned, and that would certainly be good news for Merlina and her band Mission who had a good thing going, over there, for a short while, before the shutdown in January – compelling the musicians to return home.

Merlina was back, in Colombo, in March.

Reports indicate that entertainment activities are now being allowed, but everyone must adhere to the latest precautionary measures, and participants (performers/entertainers) must have Covid-19 vaccine.

This trial period is from May 17th, 2021, and will be for one month only, but extendable.

Minimum physical distancing of two meters will have to be observed, as well as mandatory wearing of (medical) face masks.

I wonder if such measures would be made compulsory, in our part of the world, when the local scene shows signs of improvement!

It has never happened before, with the management of entertainment venues, nightclubs, turning a blind eye to the health requirements.

They give the impression that all they want is a crowd…and money – totally unconcerned about this killer virus.

Let’s hope the authorities concerned would take drastic action against those who flout the Covid-19 health rules and regulations.

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