by Gamini Seneviratne
Towards the very beginning of the long pre-planned genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza, a Guardian journalist, Owen Jones, exposed the relentless fabrication by western ‘main-stream’ media, of accounts of the totally fictitious ”atrocity’, (the killing of 1,200 Israeli civilians) ‘by Hamas’ which supposedly supplied the provocation for the slaughter, in their very homes, of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children.
When Owen Jones’s column next appeared, a line about the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, the atrocities committed by the Israelis have included the destruction of water and electricity supplies, of grain fields, orchards and livestock, the bombing and bulldozing of hospitals, the murder of patients most of them women and children, of doctors and other medical staff and the blockage of the supply from outside of food and other necessities. This has been and continues now, as you read this, to be underwritten by the supporters of Zionist bestiality: primarily the USA and its client state, Britain.
That is not strange. “America” and “Great Britain” (as also the German, French, Spanish and Portuguese speakers) are each a collective of robber gangs who put together, in money terms, vast fortunes built on the energies of more civilized inhabitants of Africa, Asia, Australasia and in the vast continent between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. The lands of the Slavic cultures, primarily Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were not engaged in this ‘gold-rush’; as, for the most part, neither were the Scandinavian and Baltic communities.
Politicians who are, notionally, the makers of national policy everywhere, are recognizably the prominent accommodators of Israeli lies, especially those relating to October 7 in the context of such forms of reportage, one has to ask that self-same mainstream media how come they have managed to miss the most horrendous atrocity of all “6/8” – we are now in a modern world governed by arms manufacturers (including, in the USA, the NRA), by crooked politicians, by lobbyists and by what they call ‘the mass media’.
That grouping of newspapers, TV and radio, now garnished by streams of videos create such benign opinions about a world governed by the most gross, most lethal criminal organizations in the world. They include, besides those who embody state terrorism (the USA heads them all) the arms vendors, the oil, the drugs industries and the outfits that control the production and sale/distribution of food.
It was clear from Owen Jones’s reports that the Israeli-US (Netanyahu – Blinken New York Times / BBC . . .) story did not stand up. Not long after, Professor Mearsheimer of Chicago who has long reviewed Western/ NATO / American visions of what they could do in/to this world said that those killings (no numbers certified by anybody) had been carried out by the armed forces of Israel.
There was no mention by the USA or Israel of any sexual assaults on female hostages taken by Hamas. It’s been obvious that this particular piece of fiction was an afterthought following the revelations made of the most brutal forms of sexual assault on Palestinian women by the “Israeli soldiers”. That is not new – it has been a form of ecstasy sought by Zionist activists for many decades and has been common practice in Israeli jails. (One should bear such records in mind when determining the punishment these beasts should receive).
Following the mass demonstrations by unarmed civilians in most parts of the world, we have seen the ruling goondas in, e.g., the UK rushing to invoke, where they existed the right of some sections of government to silence protest or to draft new documents for that purpose. Their machinations, in Parliament and out, have been so transparent that they have opened doors to rebuttal in real time.
Opinion Columns in the English press we have since seen had been wrestling with how Rishi Sunak should be characterized: ‘moron’? ‘bastard’? Or should it be, as we have chambers-full from Parliament to the Courts, ‘arsehole’?
Following his triumph at Rochdale, it may be said that George Galloway compromised: he said that Starmer, misleader/betrayer of the Labour party and Sunak, clueless head piece of the Tories, were “two cheeks of the same backside”.
Such individuals (plus, say, Gove, Cameron, May …) would have to be lined up for execution along with members of Congress and of AIPAC (and others) in the USA and, needless to say, Netanyahu, his ministers, every member of their armed forces and all encroachers (miscalled ‘settlers’) in Palestine.
Galloway also said that what we have now are ‘dwarfs’. That of course is literally true of, say, Sunak who wears four-inch heels but needs a two-foot platform to be sighted above his lectern and of Macron next door. But their crimes demand a sharper descriptive. The interventions in support of Israel by Sunak and co. have been done openly under cover of the BBC, New York Times … (Cameron even declared that ‘Israel is the Occupying Power’ in Gaza, evidently by what he believes is the kind of sleight of hand he has long practiced to confer legitimacy on the Zionists and immunity on what they continue to do).
A report now becoming increasingly relevant states that the UN has prompted a fresh inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjoeld, UN Secretary General at the time, fails to mention that he was on the way to investigate the assassination of Dr. Patrice Lumumba, the most prominent African leader and freshly elected as Prime Minister of the Congo.
Lumumba was abducted by Belgian operatives, tortured and murdered by them. The self-same mainstream media provided cover, attributing the assassination of Lumumba to a tribal leader and leaving the perpetrators, the Belgian looters of the country, completely out of their narrative.
I mention this since ‘the West’ has far from given up on its modus operandi of manufacturing a ‘native opposition’ as the instrument of regaining control over the resources of, primarily for now, Africa. We have already seen the attempt by France to assassinate the new leader of Burkina Faso. Yes, Emanuel Macron and his ilk should take their place beside Blinken and Netanyahu as they are marched to the rack.