Country reopens under strict guidelines
The public must follow health guidelines properly to prevent the spread of the pandemic when travel restrictions are lifted today, says Director-General of Health Services Dr. Asela Gunawardena. All districts will be categorised according to the case loads reported therefrom, and based on such information, travel restrictions will be relaxed or imposed, he has said.
Dr. Gunawardana has urged the public to maintain physical distancing, wear masks and sanitise their hands besides minimising travel.
Dr. Gunawardena added that only two people from each family will be allowed to leave their homes and private cars and taxis will be allowed to carry only two people. Buses can carry passengers only up to 50% of their capacity except in the Western Province. Only those engaged in the provision of essential services, will be allowed to travel in the Western Province.
Public and private institutions must manage their operations with skeleton staff. The head of the institution must decide how many people should report for work and encourage people to work from home. Supermarkets must also limit the number of customers allowed in at a time.
Meanwhile, Police Spokesman Senior DIG Ajith Rohana said public transport vehicles must carry only seated passengers, who have to wear masks. Public meetings, gatherings, ceremonies, trips and pilgrimages have been banned.
Meetings, conferences, workshops, brand launches are prohibited in the Western Province but they can be held in other provinces if necessary with a limited number of participants. Industrial Complex must operate as per the bio bubble protocol. Weddings are banned but marriages can be registered with the participation of 10 persons.
Travel across provincial boundaries has also been banned.