Country door was opened wide to C19; it MUST be barred even now
The government and the people of Free Sri Lanka are to be blamed fairly and squarely for all the deaths and suffering caused by the recent surge of Covid-19 infection. Cass adds the greater blame lies with the government. It is there to protect the people of the country, and it has failed while being well aware of the raging infection just across the narrow Palk Straits. Perhaps it was blind, deaf and least concerned about the horrific calamitous state the subcontinent was submerged in. One cause over there was electioneering. Extravagantly turbaned, hubris elated Modi strutted before jam packed jubilating crowds hailing him. The Indians then went berserk celebrating Kumba Mela. Now they are gasping for air and not being provided oxygen; dying in their thousands.
Our Plight Experts are not listened to
From The Island May 4: “Covid upsurge: JVP blame govt’s disregard for expert opinion, Dr Fernandopulle’s warning.” Cass need not add to this. It has been stated over and over again that our top government bods seem to think they know it all. Expertise overflows in this country. Just one proof – the excellently intelligent and wise opinions expressed by those who know from Dr B J C Perera to Ashley de Vos, taken notice of by those who govern us? No. Bureaucrats are mere puppets now; vain Cabinet Minister swollen with the good life; higher ups more concerned with popularity and future votes than ordinary people’s lives.
One rule for them, another for us
Cassandra culled the following from an email received, the veracity of which she cannot vouch for, but knowing the ways of the higher echelons of society and nouveau riche, it could well be true.
“Little birdie says a VIP’s wedding is being held today at a five-star hotel. (3 May)
I did not know VIP’s don’t spread COVID and one law for Sri Lankan’s and another for VIP’s.
This is shit state of Sri Lankan politics!” The summation so true, profanity included.
To round up Cass’ revelations, here is an ironic twist: “Health guidelines violaters arrested” says page 3 of The Island of May 3. The article states that 215 people had been rounded up in one day for not wearing face masks and not social distancing.
Cass holds her head in despair and cries out: Aney Apoi, Kaaata Kiyantada!!
And here’s the latest. Headline in The Island of Wednesday 5 May: “Lokuge accused of overriding Covid-19 countermeasures.” He opened up a part of Piliyandala that was closed down by Director General of Health Services’ order. Cass orders: Off with the Big House’s swollen head!!
Fat cats and emaciated mice
The existence, actions and stark contrast between the two were highlighted during the recent Nuwara Eliya season.
There gloried the Fat Cats – Toms, Tabbys with Kits a-trailing in Little England. No masks so the fresh air could be breathed in, disregarding exhalations which could very well have been loaded with the spiked menace, to be distributed widely and breathed in by not-vaccinated vegetable growers and flower sellers. They, the Cats of course, have had the best vaccine and boosters too. It is said a million descended on Nuwara-Eliya and sure enough, Covid-19 spread among even sports people and young ‘uns to boot. We don’t know how many Nuwara-Eliya poor and hardworking contracted the infection.
People were asked mildly and weakly not to travell during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. This of course to the hoi polloi, not the powerful and monied. Don’t the authorities know that a’ by-your-leave’ and ‘please-do’ get no results from our buffalo population? Unless strict orders with punishments are mentioned, and assurance this rule applies to EVERYONE, the dodgers and the Fat Cats riding on the clout of their wealth or being of the Royal Family (very extended) or having connections, will flout restrictions with alacrity. And Ajith Rohana will have to keep his eyes wide shut and mouth clamped.
Religious events causing harm, not benefit
Cass may sound sacrilegious; Cass may outrage our ultra Buddhists, but she dares to pronounce this fact, buttressed by irrevocable proof. She is scared stiff, not for herself but for the country and its people since that abominable Covid Virus is straining to enter in invincible hordes into this Paradise and decimate it. It has in large measure, with Paradise already laid low with its economy down, jobs lost, food scarce, money scarcer but at least most breathe and live. The last two – breathing and living – will be suffocated and snuffed out unless dire measures are taken even though it is already past the eleventh hour.
The Hindu Mela in India with millions gathering to bathe in the Sacred River and the Jewish religious festival in Israel caused complete mayhem, panic and deaths. Covid 19 had a field day of spreading to millions in Varanasi and other sites of the once-in-twelve years festival. And now India is powerless to even count its dead. In Israel, which Cass wrote about in her last Friday’s Cry as an example of a country that beat C19 or at least holds it leashed, suffered 45 deaths and many injured in the Lag B’Omer crush of religious Jews.
In both cases religious fervor caused death and injury. And, thus, Cass comes to the main thrust of her Cry this week.
Completely and convincingly ban all Vesak celebrations and events
Yes, that has to be done. No temple gatherings, no sil campaigns, no bana preachings to many (not even at Temple Trees), no decorations whatsoever and no sightseeing groups. (You will note here that Cass has substituted groups for crowds; she has not lost every iota of hope.)
Why wasn’t the avurudu season treated with extra stringent caution? The loss of popularity of the government was feared; it was not love of the people that permitted laissez faire with the third wave of C19 imminent.
The fear of losing popularity and antagonizing ultra national Buddhists and radical groups of the Sangha may hold back the total banning of Vesak festivities. This should not be.
The Buddha never wanted himself elevated above the status of a man. He never ever wanted obeisance or subservience, least of all celebration which could induce the transgressing of the five precepts. Then why is Vesak marked as significant? Celebration and festivity are man-made for man’s diversion and gain. What really has to be done on Vesak poya is remembering the Buddha; listening to and studying his Dhamma; then reflecting on it; dedicating oneself to reducing greed, delusion and enmity; being mindful and meditating or at least reflecting. So, the usual glitz, glamour and even religious activities can be decimated and Vesak observed as it should be. – a quiet day of observance in near solitude.
Most monks are aware of what is going on and are progressive. Since the first C19 wave many temples closed their gates and open them to worshippers with precautions taken. Dana is passed into the temple by devotees without them entering and endangering the health of the resident monks. Thus, the Sangha will approve strict measures taken to subvert the continued rise of the third wave.
People have to be taught what true Buddhism is. Thus, the authorities: whether the President, Prime Minister, Army Commander or Ajith Rohana, has to lay down the law of near lockdown during Vesak days. Never mind the minds of the hoi polloi and their understanding of meritorious religious habits. They have to be made to stay indoors. If the next election and popular votes are being considered, as it seems to be, politicians must remember a saved nation will vote for them, even if Vesak was made a stay-at-home event. Much the better religion-wise too.
Muslims too must be forbidden mass prayers and gatherings this Ramazan.