Compulsory Daham Pasal education; one act of consideration; Coronation
Most of the present set of Cabinet Ministers are short on brain power, shorter on innovative thinking and planning,
One such is Vidura Wickramanayake, son of a former Prime Minister, who has long warmed a seat in Parliament. A recent Daily Mirror newspaper carried a news item that this Minister of Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs, was to submit a Cabinet paper for approval of the proposition he makes; viz that Daham Pasal education be made compulsory. That is to say make Buddhist education compulsory, we assume, to all Buddhist children, countrywide. They will, by law, have to attend Sunday schools, which teach Buddhism.
Compulsory Buddhist education
The word compulsory is not in the Buddhist lexicon, never used by the Buddha or the Sangha, from then until now. Even about his own teaching of the Dhamma, the Buddha proclaimed that no one should accept it and abide by it, because told to, or hearing about it, or because others have accepted it. He advised people to investigate what he taught, analyse facts and accept them only if the investigator accepted them as true, valid and approved by him/her. Thus, unquestioning faith is not to be, and by extension, we are not to thrust Buddhist teaching down people’s throats, more so children’s tender throats, capitalising on their having to obey parents, teachers and laws.
So how classify Minister Wickramanayake’s idea – brilliant, innovative, a service to the spread of Buddhism, inculcation of sila, samadhi, panna, in children? Not on your life! His idea is dictatorial; wickedly demanding to make compulsory attendance at Sunday schools teaching the Dhamma for all students. Many kids would prefer a free Sunday sans studies. It is another tactic of so-called Sinhala Buddhists. He, as a Minister felt compelled to make a move and thus his raking in innocent children in his unreasonable proposition.
The name that came to mind no sooner Cass read the news was ‘Madrasa’ or Madrassah, which is a specific type of religious school or college for the study of the religion of Islam. In such schools only Islam and related subjects are taught; suspected to be fundamental and militant. The biggest of Madrasas is Al Azhar University in Cairo. The definition of madrasa notes that the schools classified as madrasas are those outside of the Arab world. Since religious fundamentalism of any religion spells trouble, madrasas are not looked on benevolently in secular countries.
Hence Mr Wickramanayake’s proposal sends shivers down right-thinking liberal folk’s spines since fundamentalism is associated with schools teaching religion only. We do not want Buddhism to be a part of fundamentalism and majoritarianism which latter is defined as: “a political philosophy or ideology with the agenda asserting that a majority based on a religion, language, social class or other category of the population, is entitled to a certain degree of primacy in society and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.” This was the aim of those who coined the term ‘Sinhala Buddhists’. We associate the Buddha Sasana Minister with the unwanted idea of propping up Buddhism in an improper way by forcing unnecessary rules on children. We hope the Cabinet when confronted with his suggestion, will act wisely and for the greater good and make it invalid ; veto it completely.
First lady pays her way
Having an inkling of the sort of person Maitree Wickremasinghe is, we feel certain she would not have wanted the fact known that she paid for her visit to Britain when invited for the coronation of Charles III. As First Lady she could easily have claimed her right to travel to the UK as spouse of the Head of State on Treasury funds. But no, she acted wisely with generosity and concern for the country as it is now. We are glad we got to know this fact as it is encouraging to be told our Prez and wife are not good timers on government money as many previous Heads of State and even lower tiers were. They revelled in jaunting to the US and other countries at the expense of the public on what they, the masses, contributed to State funds. We have seen families living grand when overseas, accompanying the VIP invited to this event or that. We know how Emirates broke away from Sri Lankan Airways which subsequently descended to being heavily in debt, when a former Prez wanted his entire entourage of more than thirty persons given seats in an already booked and paid for plane. He refused the six offered and sacked the Emirates boss in Colombo.
I think it was to Prince Charles’ wedding that our Second in Command demanded invitations for him, his wife and daughter. JRJ was prez then. This was malicious gossip that went around then. However, the PM and family received invitations; courtesy of the High Commissioner perhaps. Hence, we deeply appreciate Maitree Wickremasinghe’s act and also the President facilitating it.
Historic Event
Cassandra was truly overwhelmed and watched the coronation of King Charles III from beginning to end and watched most of it the following day on BBC again. The Coronation service conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, was so full of traditions dating back not centuries but millennia. The Church service and the marches past before it and after to Buckingham Palace went through with exact precision and order.
Another noteworthy fact was family loyalty. The king’s younger sister, Princess Anne, rode both ways on her horse close to the chariot conveying the King and Queen Consort, in the security posse. The Heir to the Throne, Princess of Wales Kate, and three children were given due prominence. Harry, who dodged royal duties, published unkind facts about royal members and took up residence in California had to make do in a third-row seat and flew home without appearing on the balcony. He sure will regret his folly later.
The all-star concert at Windsor organised by Prince William would surely have been a success. His speech at the end in tribute to his father whom he addressed as ‘Pa’ was excellent. He spoke of the King’s first proclamation on entering Westminster Abbey for his coronation: “I come not to be served, but to serve my country and its people, and the Commonwealth …” Prince William mentioned his father’s early commitment to saving the world’s environment.
The detractors that day – a gathering of anti-imperialists who proclaimed on boards and shouting: “He is not our king” may be proved wrong as King Charles’ popularity is sure to rise as he has fresh new ideas. His moving away from the traditional promise to protect Christianity by including ‘other faiths and beliefs’ point out to this being a new kind of monarch of Britain.
Hurrah for justice!
“A Manhattan jury on Tuesday (May 8) found former President Donald J Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming E Jean Carrol and awarded her $5 million in damages. More than a dozen women have accused Mr Trump of sexual misconduct over the years, but this is the only allegation to be affirmed by a jury.”
Cassandra jubilates and celebrates The Trumps downfall and hopes he will remain fallen. Not only is a woman who was sexually abused vindicated but this horrible man has been at last cornered and caught. He has changed his accusation of a witch hunt of him to his adversaries targeting the entire country – the US of America – by persecuting him. Hope this huge set back puts paid to his seeking the Presidency come 2024.Cass leaves you with this fact and knows you will be spending time ruminating how it is in this Land of Ours.