ComBank ‘Gedarata Thégi 3’ remittance promo winners announced
The grand draw identifying winners of a Hyundai Grand i10 car, three scooters, and other prizes including home appliances and electronic items was held recently, concluding Commercial Bank of Ceylon’s ‘Gedarata Thégi 3’ remittance promotion of 2019.
Besides the grand prize winners, the winners of 10 Smart televisions, 10 kitchen sets and 10 washing machines were announced. Additionally, a total of 75 winners selected at three quarterly draws have received hampers worth Rs 15,000 each under this promotion.
In keeping with COVID-19 necessitated social distancing practices, the presentation ceremony took place with only 10 winners in attendance, the Bank said.
Users of e Exchange, Commercial Bank’s own money transfer service, as well as those who received remittances via MoneyGram, Western Union, and Ria from 1st April to 31st December 2019 were eligible to enter the grand draw and the quarterly draws.