
Chinese embassy in Colombo hits back at US



When it comes to human rights, the United States should do its ‘homework’ well, rather than telling other countries what to do, or even spreading rumours to discredit other countries, Chinese embassy in Colombo said in a statement issued yesterday (15).

Shang Chenglin, Media officer and Attache, Political Section, Chinese embassy in Colombo quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian as having a told regular press conference on Wednesday (14) in Beijing; “Poor prison conditions, ill treatment and even abuse of prisoners in the United States are frequently reported by the media. I am sure you all remember how Iraqi prisoners of war were mistreated at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and in the Abu Ghraib prison. When it comes to human rights, the United States should do its “homework” well, rather than telling other countries what to do, or even spreading rumors to discredit other countries.”

Zhao Lijian was responding to the following question: According to the Los Angeles Times, after the outbreak of COVID-19, some women prisoners in the United States were forced to work overtime to produce masks at the risk of contracting the virus. They worked up to 12 hours a day and produced thousands of masks, but they were unable to wear one. A female prisoner confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 said that it was like a “slave factory” and that the prison used them as a money tree. What is China’s comment?

The Chinese spokesperson said that he was not surprised at such reports.

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