The utterly duped Sri Lanka government had no qualms in bending backwards to appease the LTTE in so many ways believing the so-called peace facilitators to...
by Geewananda Gunawardana, Ph.D. The term, system, has different meanings, but with respect to the subject discussed here, a system is “a defined way to accomplish...
By Lynn Ockersz In the distressed Isle, The people’s cry for Bread, Rises to a stirring crescendo, But the Sires at the helm, Prefer to be...
The US utilised Hamas attack to prepare an emergency funding project that conveniently accommodated Ukraine battling Russia. The funding amounted to USD 105 bn in military...
By Lynn Ockersz The blood, the gore, the insanity – The children are seeing it all, Across a tra gic divide of hate, That’s been of...
Let us set the record straight, officially Retired Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera recently declared that in his capacity as Chairman of the Sectoral Oversight Committee on...
By Lynn Ockersz Your solitary cry for help, Does not seem to be carrying, Over that watery wilderness, From your crumbling homesteads, And what remains of...
USD 73 mn down the drain? The US Embassy is on record as having said that USAID conducted a project at a cost of USD 73...
By Sanja de Silva Jayatilleka The public address system at the airport in Sochi, a famous resort on the shores of the Black Sea in the...
By Lynn Ockersz The once lush-Green Mara tree, Which rose sprightly to the skies, And held out the warm promise, Of sheltering the isle’s denizens, From...