By Lynn Ockersz December brings its kill-joys, To the storm-ravaged Isle, Now caught in a wilting round, Of unpaid public debt talks, But these year-end discontents,...
Sri Lanka’s economy is in shambles. The recent Supreme Court ruling set the record straight though silly attempts are being made to divert public attention. Regardless...
by Geewananda Gunawardana, Ph.D Years ago, at an international gathering held in New York, someone asked me where I came from. I was living in Chicago...
By Lynn Ockersz When spirited PC Krishnamurthi, Plunged into that swirling deep, In hot pursuit of a miscreant, He was not bitterly weighed-down, By the infamous...
Landmark Nov. 14 SC ruling: Parliament should look into how the Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) a couple of months ago recognized the Finance Ministry as...
By Lynn Ockersz For the Isle’s Girl-Child, October has emerged, ‘The Cruelest Month’, For, dozens of them, In ‘unwanted pregnancies’, Have been trapped, During the fateful...
NARA has reiterated that the Justice Minister is at fault and accused him of basing his conclusions on wrong assumptions. It cited the much touted claim...
By Lynn Ockersz The Willow-worshipping Isle, Is beside itself with despair, Owing to an ICC diktat, Quite draconian in its impact, But it could now think...
Close on the heels of humiliating battlefield defeats in the Jaffna peninsula, President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga declared her intention to establish full diplomatic ties with Israel....
By Lynn Ockersz The platoon commander, Staid and statuesque, Has his firm orders, Which is to reduce to rubble, Flats looming ahead, Seen as terror nests,...