By Lynn Ockersz Alas, the ‘Socialist Dream’, Has been getting short shrift, And the Left has exited, Poste-haste stage left, But the ‘American Dream’, Seems evergreen,...
It is heartening that at least in some schools, teachers and principals help young students in no small measure by getting them to read every day...
In actual fact the foundation for the current economic chaos was laid under the Yahapalana rule when they borrowed as much as USD 12 billion from...
The 60th anniversary of the release of Gamperaliya falls today. by Punya Heendeniya Over these six decades many accolades have been bestowed upon the shoulder of...
By Lynn Ockersz To be sure, in the West Bank, The Peace Flame is sputtering, While the Gaza lies bloodied, And gutted in vengeful violence, Leaving...
By Shamindra Ferdinando One-time Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Senewiratne and Admiral Ravindra Chandrasiri Wijegunaratne (Rtd.) on Dec 04, 2023 assumed duties at the Sri Lankan High Commission...
by Susantha Hewa Reams have been written about Buddhism, Buddhist vision, Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist doctrine, Buddhist rituals, priests, and protecting Buddhism. Most of them make...
By Lynn Ockersz Janitor Silva’s sad travails, Have come to a tragic end, And no more will we see him, Toiling for his Daily Bread, On...
The London Maaveear commemoration would have been complete if the organizers invited Adele Balasingham, the Australian wife of LTTE theoretician, the late Anton Balasingham, one-time employee...
by Dr. Ranil Senanayake The shame of being the country with the largest fossil carbon footprint at the conference on Climate Change is only shadowed by...