The “Triumph of Death” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder painted around 1562. Photo credit: Museo Nacional del Prado / Wikimedia by Dr Saumya Liyanage Prologue During the...
Oct 28, 2020: President Gotabaya Rajapaksa receives US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the Presidebtial Secretariat (pic courtesy President’s Office) By Shamindra Ferdinando Among...
By Lynn Ockersz A few feeble, final blasts, Coming from the strutting Trumpeter, Peter out to a dying whimper, But the heady potion, From which he...
sharing some thoughts By Charles Ponnuthurai Sarvan (Germany) What follows was prompted by Mr Kandappah Appu’s article titled ‘My friend Palitha’ in the Island, 19 June...
The National Trust – Sri Lanka Monthly Lecture Series No- 129 October 29, 2020 By Prof. Gamini Keerawella I am extremely thankful to Mr. Kanag-Isvaran, Chairman,...
By Lynn Ockersz They stare you out of countenance – These sprouting ‘For Rent or Lease’ notices, Along COVID stalked streets now stonily silent, Where bustling...
By Shamindra Ferdinando US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, at the conclusion of a brief visit to Colombo recently acknowledged that the US decision to...
King Asoka’sveterinary hospital KING ASOKA’S VETERINARY HOSPITAL by Noel Nadesan (2020) Amazon USA available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle REVIEWED BY Jayantha Somasundaram, Canberra In...
A Nostalgic Note on that Distant November Day BY Liyanage Amarakeerthi University of Peradeniya November has already arrived, and COVID-19 has restricted our movements at campus....
by Liyanage Amarakeerthi Department of Sinhala, University of Peradeniya During these COVID-19 days, stories pop up everywhere describing how each country and its people are coping...