By Lynn Ockersz Reconciliation sure is needed, After all, murderous violence, Is sweeping the troubled Isle, With new vigour, we may say, But our mandarins at...
The USAID had no qualms in announcing the Rs. 1.92 billion (USD $13 million) project with a Parliament that blatantly protected Treasury bond thieves. The civil...
By Lynn Ockersz It isn’t so much the fuming men, Desperate for their daily fix, And turning violent now and then, Who render rehab a danger...
Ambassador Julie Chung declared that the US welcomed the laudable GTF-SBSL initiative to expand cross-community understanding and seek lasting reconciliation. She was among the diplomatic community...
by Geewananda Gunawardana, Ph.D. Before a problem can be solved, it pays to know what caused it; the collapse of Sri Lanka’s economy and social institutions...
By Lynn Ockersz The restive 21-year-old, Whose body they found, In a weed-overgrown well, Seemed another fair victim, Of the seductive talker, Whose flowery rhetoric, With...
The issues involving India, Canada and the US over the clandestine operations undertaken by the Indian intelligence overseas hadn’t received sufficient media attention here. The request...
By Geewananda Gunawardana Just out of curiosity, few years ago, I followed a course on Buddhism designed by a westerner for those who are new to...
By Lynn Ockersz The popular yearning, Being blissfully by-passed, By the Iron Fist regime, And its Western patrons, Is for purse-easy Bread, And its even spread,...
By Shamindra Ferdinando Amidst deepening political turmoil over the suspension of nearly 150 Opposition members, following an unprecedented Parliament security breach in India, on December 13,...