By Lynn Ockersz They craved not the cover of darkness, For, they had the state’s ready collusion, And being held accountable for their deeds, Was not...
Through the eyes of Sena Thoradeniya: Sena Thoradeniya discussed successful US operations here taking into similar interventions in the past and present. The examination of the...
The Copper Tumbler & Donkeys in Mannar: ‘it is not narrative that we should abandon but chronology’’ – Kumar Shahani by Laleen Jayamanne Sumathy Sivamohan’s The Single...
By Lynn Ockersz The jumbo, cornered and fuming, Stamps on a lonesome hamlet, In a ‘No-go Zone’ for Visitors, Scattering bricks and rafters, Of what once...
CP Chairman DEW G says lawmakers here should be aware of what is going on in the world. The Parliament cannot turn a blind eye to...
By Prof. Susirith Mendis Introduction Violence, by simple definition, is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. The World Health...
By Lynn Ockersz Another lean crop looms large, With the angry sun showing no signs, Of backing down from its invasion, Leaving a sad trail of...
Actually LKI owed public an explanation as to why it never addressed the accountability issue and related matters in spite of it being the toughest foreign...
“A living memory is a living library, a living museum: a place of metamorphosis.The past as proof of the impossible that has become possible.” Eugenio Barba...
By Lynn Ockersz There you lie in the frozen deep, Abandoned over the millennia, One among numberless sailors, Left to die in wrenching disasters, Nameless, forgotten...