That rampant disorder is the starkest of global realities currently is a fact beyond dispute. While the international community is confronted with the grueling challenge of...
Dr B. J. C. Perera MBBS(Cey), DCH(Cey), DCH(Eng), MD(Paed), MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lon), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Fellow,...
With over 40 years of experience in television performance, and 45 years as a recording artiste, Derrick J. (also known as Derrick Junkeer), who resides in...
From the comments I get from readers, it seems that aloe vera is what they like to dabble in to enhance their beauty. Believe me, aloe...
“Brain drain” generally means skilled workers moving from developing to developed countries for better opportunities. While it offers personal benefits, it raises concerns about the impact...
by Jehan Perera Elections provide a unique situation where people become equal regardless of their class or ethnic and religious identity. This offers space to rival...
by D. I. I. Amarasinghe Nursing, often regarded as the heartbeat of healthcare systems, has undergone a profound evolution in Sri Lanka. From humble beginnings to...
By Harim Peiris Sri Lanka’s Election Commission announced, late last week, the conducting of a presidential election, between 17 September and the 16 October 2024, in...
The weather in Dubai, the past few weeks, has been so unpredictable, but it has now improved and the entertainment scene is brightening up, once again,...
by Erandika de Silva Having been raised and schooled in Kandy, I have watched the festivities of the Esala Perahera at least 10 times, as a...