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Cabinet nod for the introduction of a mechanism for dispute prevention and dispute resolution in public service



Based on the success achieved by the implementation of the pilot project for preventing and resolving disputes in the Public Service through the concepts of social dialogue, consultation, mediation and arbitration  which was implemented in 4 workplaces in the field of health and transportation by obtaining technical financial support from the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Council and Local Government to proceed as mentioned below,

*Establishment of workplace forums in government institutions.

*Establishment of sectoral forums comprising representatives of trade unions and management for Health, Transport, Ports and Shipping, Power and Energy, Education and other sectors.

*Establishment of National State Dialogue Forum comprising representatives of Trade Unions, relevant Ministries/Sectoral Councils, Director Generals of Institutions and representatives of the Departments of Management Services.

*Establishment of 09 Provincial Conciliation Boards at the provincial level.

*Establishment of a National Arbitration Pool under the Ministry of Public Administration.


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