Buddhist Monks, stop fighting, assist President
In my letter in The Island captioned “Best Leave the President to his Task”, I concluded “When narcotics sleuths sell themselves to drug barons etc., this is the time for our Buddhist Monks to find time to visit schools etc and advise our youngsters of the dangers of drug addiction, and leave political matters to the president and his government”.
But what do we read today? Three so-called monks fighting like bovines to get a seat in parliament! I agree with all that was written by Rohana R.Wasala in The Island of 22nd August captioned ” NO monks in parliament, please”.
It is time our Buddhist Prelates took urgent action to prevent Buddhist Monks from causing disrepute to the Buddha Sasana. If they violate the Vinaya Rules, they should be disrobed. The Robe of the Buddha is for Sublime Forbearance and Patience. The object of the Vinaya Rules is not on their Mental development but their external behavior.
The many articles and letters in The Island analyzing the massive victory of the SLPP at the last General election and what all these political analysts overlooked, is that our population is ninety five percent literate and could not be fooled by manifestos promising Rs.20,000 and another party promising Rs. 10,000, by the very parties who governed this country for four and half years!
When I wrote in The Island on 31st July 2019 captioned “Gotabaya should come forward” — “Now that Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has returned to the country, and if he feels that he is physically fit and eligible to lead this country from darkness to light, he should boldly announce his candidature. He will be supported by the people of this country as they are aware of his administrative and executive abilities that enabled the security forces to end a three decade long war, which even world powers thought was unwinnable”. When I wrote this I had never met him or even spoken to him!
During the few days of his election, the people saw how he calmly handled the Swiss Swipe, the Corona Virus crisis, and his determined effort to save our youngsters from this dreadful drug menace. These are the factors in my thinking that gave the SLPP this massive victory.
Colombo 5