Beware of ‘DOGS of WAR’
I see an urge on the part of the government to address the issue of poaching by Indian fishermen. Evidence in the form of bruised and battered bodies of the alleged poachers of Sri Lankan origin are available for those interested. Now, in this day and age of ‘distractions’ needed to divert the overwhelming feeling of discontent that is sweeping the lands of both India and the Pearl, isn’t it advisable to refrain from urging conflict against a country that 25 years ago and before the advent of current armaments had a plan to capture our entire country in 40 minutes!
The saying ‘hitting your head against a brick wall’ springs to mind, closely followed by ‘cutting your nose to spite your face’. Local urgings may not have much effect, but this combined with the actions of cowboys and chicken farmers who hold diplomatic posts and represent our country in foreign climes could prove catastrophic. Remember our current administration thinks it is the centre of the universe and its leaders are direct decedents of King Dutugamunu, who defeated Kings of Indian descent in the past. Furthermore, the only claim, and I emphasise CLAIM to fame is a military victory. Reverting to type is a common human phycological trait … need I say more.
Dropping of some disused bus chassis in the area to form an artificial reef and provide breeding grounds for marine life and deter bottom trawling is the way to go! More strength to the architects of that idea and drop more of
Talking of distractions, Ranil Wickremesinghe seems to be putting the fear of all that is holy into not just the government but also the Opposition. Can anyone not fall about laughing at these reactions? After all, he was supposedly ‘rejected’ by the people, those highly literate clear-thinking people of our great country! They said he was useless; they wanted army discipline brought back to control the three-wheeler drivers and the private buses among most other things in Lanka. All the rackets conducted by ‘successful’ (read as rich and unscrupulous) businessmen would cease and we would be restored to living in the land of milk and honey. Has it happened? The answer is a resounding NO! Why? Well, I will tell you.
It is because the entire SYSTEM is corrupt. Almost every person doing every single job has opted to be dishonest. Everyone knows that ways and means of making a ‘fast buck’, taking shortcuts, and doing sloppy work, not working the full hours you are paid for, always exist in the workplace. We look around us and if we see no example from our superiors and no incentives from our employers, we think why bother and we take the easy option. This has happened for at least two decades if not more in Sri Lanka and now we are in terminal decay. There are no quick fixes O denizens of the pearl. We must start again from the preschools and primary schools and maintain it through the high schools and thereby send students to universities armed with civic responsibilities and self-discipline. Is there anyone or a bunch of ‘prominent people’ willing to undertake this task? If so, form a political party, declare this as your objective in your manifesto and let’s get down to it! IF we have another democratic election, a (NEW) party formed on these lines should win, it is our only chance, but it will take two to three generations, that is the reality. Do we have people willing to sacrifice instant gratification and work for the long-term good of our country and its people?
The presidential pardon given to a convicted murderer is nothing short of a resounding kick in the guts to all those who gave this government and its leader a huge majority. It is a disgrace, and I am so grateful that I didn’t have an opportunity to vote in the last election. If I had and if Ihad taken the popular option to discard the UNP for what has now been proved to be largely inadequate leadership, vote for either the incumbent rulers or even the current Opposition, I would not have been able to live with myself.
How could I? My judgment, my wonderful logic, and reasoning that an infantry officer and his brother who had led the way in political thuggery and ruining of the country’s economy would put my country right. Or even my “clear headed” thinking that the son of a former leader who unfortunately had inherited very little of his father’s genes and was backed by the aforesaid unscrupulous businessmen of today would make a leader with the potential to correct the wrongs in my country, would be proven to be so disastrously WRONG. I would have fallen apart; I would have contemplated ending it all or at least I would have organised a satyagraha (but those things are a joke too) or some form of protest to stop this nonsense from continuing.
It is time O people of the Pearl; it is time for us to do what we can to stop the damage that is being done to us and to all future generations by this ridiculous executive presidential system. It is time to form a political party with NEW people, the correct manifesto, and revert to a true democracy guided by educated, knowledgeable, refined, and kind people. We have such people in this land we just need leadership from people with credibility both nationally and internationally. Find the messiah, find the prophet, find the Bodhisattva, and start doing it NOW.
I certainly do not advocate unleashing any form of the dogs of war, although this may seem the only alternative left!