Benefits of Garlic
It’s stated that antioxidants in garlic help draw out infections from the skin and effectively deals with stubborn pimples and free radicals. Release some juice of the garlic pod and use it on the affected area. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off.
* Moles and Warts:
Garlic, according to research, has the ability to fight bacterial infections and hence effective to get rid of moles and warts. Just rub one clove on the mole daily, and you will find it as a crucial and quick remedy.
* Blackheads:
Blackheads appear on face due to excessive oil secretion. Garlic contains skin-protective polyphenols which controls the secretion. All you need to do is smash some garlic and tomatoes together. Apply the paste as a face mask. It will seal your pores, remove blackheads and will provide added goodness to the skin.
* Anti-Ageing:
Daily consumption and application of garlic can reduce wrinkles to a certain degree. The powerful antioxidants present in garlic control the free radical build-up, hence keeping your skin firm and young. Crush some garlic cloves and add honey to the paste. Spread a layer on your face (avoiding your eyes) and let it remain for around 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.