by Sarath Ranasinghe
Christianity is one of the most, widespread and largest religion in the world presently, with over 2.1 billion members which is about one third of the global population. Christians and Christianity have immensely contributed to the global civilization and development. Every Christian believes in one God and, Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was born on the Christmas day, which is a universal celebration. Christians hope to realize eternal life after death through faith in Him and live by Christ’s teachings as placed on record in the New Testament. Christmas is a time to serve the others in a special manner displaying love, mercy, compassion, grace, understanding, kindness and humbleness etc.. The word ‘Nativity’ is very commonly used for the story of Jesus’ birth. Christmas season is also a period for spiritual and theological reflection of the Christian faith, which includes the Incarnation and the Virgin Birth.
What is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it burning firecrackers, having decorations all round, spending lavishly on our own materialistic needs, enjoying turkey dinners with family and friends in luxury hotels or mailing greeting cards to everybody etc.? Is this really meant by Christmas? Are we still more interested in receiving than giving at Christmas?
Christmas becomes more meaningful and a time of great joy once the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated with healing and renewed strength displaying the same great love God has shown us by giving His only son for our redemption, coupled with sharing resources of haves with have nots.
Have we lost the true spirit meant at Christmas? Has under the influence of self-centeredness along with excessive commercialism and consumerism hijacked the spiritual meaning of Christmas and has reduced the festival to a mere commercial opportunity for purchases and the exchange of gifts? It is high time for Christians to rediscover the typical values of Christmas like warmth of love, simplicity, generosity, friendship and solidarity etc. and to celebrate the festival as an opportunity for welcoming, as a personal gift, the message of hope that generates from the mystery of Christ’s Birth. Thus, Christmas becomes more meaningful spiritually, without consumerist and materialistic focus.
History records that even during the time Jesus was born, evil qualities like hatred, lust, impure thoughts, adultery, blasphemous thoughts, grudges, anger, ignorance, hatred, greed, pride, jealousy, hypocrisy etc. prevailed in society which resulted in a land in absence of human values, morality and ethics, exactly same as today. So, in the context of society today, if we are to experience a real difference we must facilitate the Birth of the Spirit of Jesus in our own individual hearts which results in a new life of purity, devotion and spiritual aspiration etc.
In the present environment, Christmas is a time of sorrow for so many people, globally as well as in our own Sri Lanka without financial resources to buy basic essentials for their living. Think of our own Christian and other brothers and sisters who are without shelter, clothing, food, medicine, indisposed, deformed, displaced etc. Also, there are many who have been accommodated in various Orphanages and Elder’s Homes managed by the Catholic Church and various other institutions. Also, increasing number of refugees are becoming a problem in some countries. Could we reflect on the face of Infant Jesus while we sight these under privileged in society?
At every Christmas, all Christians remember the event of the newborn Infant Jesus lying in a humble grotto. In reflecting on the new born baby in the manger, Christians could pay attention to all the infants who are born in certain parts of the world in extreme poverty and fail to survive due to lack of love, attention and care etc.. Even in our own country there are several instances where new born babies had been abandoned at various isolated places by mothers, may be due to lack of financial resources or otherwise, to bring them up in society. Also due to the same reason, there are instances where the babies are rejected and not welcomed into this world, and perish due to abortions. Christians can seriously contemplate on these issues at Christmas and support Social Institutions in poor Dioceses in bringing up these unwanted to the society as useful citizens.
Global statistics indicate that most shops were reporting massive turnovers during the Christmas season, a result of extravagant shopping, despite present and potential economic concerns. Even in Sri Lanka the Christians spend millions of rupees acquiring materialistic satisfaction during Christmas inclusive of essentials and otherwise. For example, excessive expenses on firecrackers, decorations, greeting cards etc. total to a staggering amount of money which could provide relief to many deserving cases. It is a common scene during Christmas to see overloaded supermarket carts stuffed with non-essential purchases.
Followed by the Christmas festival, if we turn back to analyze and justify our gains of spending that quantum of financial resources on these non-essentials, perhaps a true Christian might realize the value of utilizing those monies on something tangible and fruitful to Society, which would also provide long lasting spiritual satisfaction. Looking in this context, perhaps it may be a better option for Christians to think in a broader sense and more spiritually at Christmas to curtail expenses on Fire Works , Greeting Cards, Decorations and non-essential materialistic acquisitions etc. and to donate these funds and support worthwhile charitable projects managed by the Roman Catholic Church, like Orphanages, Elder’s Homes, Vocational Training Institutions meant for the under privileged which are based in very poor Diocese like Anuradhapura, Badulla, Rathnapura and Galle. Also, providing Educational material for less fortunate students and supporting them in knowledge acquisition could generate long term Social and Spiritual benefits . Further , as true Christians, we should not forget the bridging requirements of similar nature amongst Dioceses in the areas affected by Civil war. This kind of thinking of parents, opinion leaders and matured in the society, will set a fruitful example for the younger generation to follow and to experience the true spiritual value and meaning of Christmas .
In devotions and prayers, believers may turn to the child of Bethlehem, the son of Virgin Mary, to plead for the, eradication of the COVID 19 pandemic and peace on the entire world which is shattered by various conflicts resulting in blood shedding and loss of valuable human lives, some due to persecution of Christians. Together let us ask God’s help for the people in the entire world, who suffer from hunger and food shortages, aggravated at times by a persistent state of insecurity very specially in the African region. In a very special manner, let us pray for our Holy Father- His Holiness Pope Francis, a unique personality in the present world with His entire focus on humanity; for Him to have wisdom, knowledge and protection to go ahead with the radical but “Christ Centered” changes planned in the Catholic Church. Also, we must plead before Infant Jesus for the Holy Father to be a very powerful force of influence among strong global leaders in re-establishing the values of humanity.
Let us look at Christmas in an unique and a new way this year and realize that the reason for the season was Infant Jesus. In order to enjoy a happy, peaceful and spiritual Christmas, let us invite Infant Jesus into our hearts by focusing on sharing our resources in a well balanced manner with less fortunate in society through curtailing expenses on acquisition of non-essential materialistic products inclusive of firecrackers, decorations, greeting cards etc. Let us utilize these monies to provide some relief to the under privileged in the society and for God’s work, thereby the happiness and peace you will receive, will remain in hearts throughout the year.
May God grant to all of you a Holy Christmas and may he accompany you with his blessings in the year 2021!