Army cadet intake-5 completes 50 years today
The Group of Officers who were trained at the Officer Cadet School of Madras, India.
The 1st Ceylonese Course. Seated from Left: Capt. N.K. Sehgal (Pl.Comd), Major V.M. Metha (Adjt), Lt. Col. Ravi Indrasinghe (Bn.Comd), G/C W.S. Wijeratne (Cdt.U/Offr), Major Gen. I.C. Katooch (Commandant) , Col. Asgar Hussain (Dep.Comm.), Major Avtar Singh(Coy. Comd) ,Sub Major U.B.Thapa (Drill Instr) WO II H.R.Dayananda (Laison Offr)
Standing from Left (first row) G/C G. B. W. Jayasundara, G/C S. Wanigasekera, G/C A.I.B. Unantenna, G/C C.J. Ranaweera, G/C S.D. Tennakoon, G/C Cpl. Tibbatumuruwe,
G/C L.L.A. Fernando, G/C Cpl. M.L.Jayaratne, G/C L/Cpl. C.J. Jayasinghe,
G/C Cpl. W.W.P. Samaratunge, G/C L/Cpl. D.R.Uyangoda, G/C L/Cpl. M.A.D.Rupananda,
G/C K.K. Samarapala, G/C W.W.U.A. Piyadasa.
Standing from left (second row) G/C B.Koswatte, G/C D.N. Wijesuriya, G/C J. M.Bohoran,
G/C A.A.D.Senarath, G/C H.M.N. Krishnaratne, G/C Sgt. R.I.Suriyarachchi, G/C P.S. Hadapangoda, G/C C.S.D.Gunasinghe, G/C S.J. de Alwis, G/C W.G. Alwis G/C H.A.N.T. Perera, G/C C.S.B. Mudannayake, G/C S.B. Kulatunge.
Sri Lanka Army Officer Cadet Intake 5 completes 50 years today (21.) Thirty Officers of the Intake 5 were recruited to the Sri Lanka Army in 1971 and they were sent to the Officer Cadet School in Madras, India. After their basic training in Madras they were further trained at the Diyatalawa Army Training Centre and passed out from there and among those officers; 10 had been promoted to the Rank of Major General, seven Officers’ were promoted to Brigadier, five Officers were promoted to the Rank of Colonel and, two to the rank of Major.
Among the Major Generals; Paramai Kulatunge, was killed in action, Sunil Tennakoon, Hema Thibbatumunuwe, Jayantha Ranaweera, Seevali Wanigasekera, Gamini Jayasundera, Nimal Krishnaratne, Lal Fernando and Priyantha Samaratunge. Among the Brigadiers were Sri Mudannayake, Kumban Bohoran, Asoka Unantenna, Nimal Alwis, Lal Wijesuriya and Lanka Jayaratne.
Most of the Officers were on active duties between 1971 and 2005 but a few officers served till end of the year 2013.