
Aloe Vera for Hair Growth and Increase Volume



Yoghurt and Aloe Vera:


Two tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel, One tablespoon yoghurt, Two tablespoons honey


Mix all the ingredients together and apply the mask on your hair, starting from roots to end. Massage your scalp, after the application, for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse off after 30 minutes. Follow it with a mild shampoo. Your hair will shine with the use of this mask.

*  Egg and Aloe Vera:


One tablespoon fresh aloe vera gel, One tablespoon garlic juice, One egg yolk


Mix all the ingredients together and apply it on your scalp. Give steam to your hair by wrapping them up in a warm towel. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. This hair mask is rich in protein. It will make your hair amazingly strong

* Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera:


One cup fresh aloe vera gel, Two tablespoon coconut oil, Two tablespoon raw honey


Blend all the ingredients together and apply it all over your scalp and hair. Cover it with a warm towel. Wash it off and shampoo your hair. It will help you to get rid of dry and frizzy hair.

*  Apple Cider Vinegar and Aloe Vera


One cup fresh aloe vera gel, Two Tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar


Whisk together both the ingredients and apply it on your scalp. Let it stay on for 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo. Apple cider vinegar leaves a pungent smell, but if this hair mask is used twice a month, it can help you to get rid of dandruff easily.

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