All things are impermanent

Sunday short story
(Excerpted from Saris and Grapefruit, a collection of short stories by Rukmini Attygalle)
Rupa Jayasena gazed intently on the vista below, as she sat in the front veranda of her home, high up on the hill of Hanthana, overlooking the Peradeniya University’s green campus scattered with trees and bushes in bloom. She could discern within the meticulously landscaped terrain the Peradeniya-Galaha road winding its way to Getambe and beyond. She would sit in the veranda all afternoon with frequent cups of tea and watch the young men and women walking between their residential halls and lecture rooms, clutching books and files. They were in happy groups; or couples absorbed with each other; or hurrying single students.
But now her fading eyes could not pick out details; she only discerned blurred green, dotted with coloured smudges. Her memory, however, carried a scene of beauty and that imbued the indistinct view, so it brought joy to her. Even the domba tree in her own garden had lost definition. She could only make out the general shape of the majestic tree, the dark green of the leaves but not their sheen.
As she sat in her wheelchair, enjoying the bird song and fresh evening breeze that wafted across her face, she tried to accept the fact that she was gradually losing her sight.
She was 88-years old and subject to the frailties of advanced years. Her arthritic joint pains, her swollen feet, her diminishing ability to balance, bound her to the wheelchair and reliance on carers. What bothered her most, however, was a lurking dread that she was, perhaps, losing her memory too. Sometimes her mind was sharp and her thoughts clear; at other times she felt a vague sense of unease not knowing exactly where she was and who she was speaking with.
Her consciousness seemed to be slipping in and out of her mind. She was aware of this and clung to it because awareness, she was told, was a prevention to memory, loss. Sometimes she could not discern the time lapse between events. Often certain past events came up in her mind, but when they had occurred, or how, were lost. Memories flashed through, her mind as independent entities, with no connection to the rest of her life. She was losing control and she hated it. She knew she, was going downhill for sure, but the hill was not steep enough to gather speed. The descent was grindingly and painfully slow.
“Nona, better come in now. We must close the doors and windows before the mosquitoes enter,” said Soma. Soma had been in Rupa’s employment for 40 years and was now part of the family. She and Menika were Rupa’s carers; well-paid and seen to by her son, Ajith.
As Rupa was wheeled indoors, she noticed someone standing by the dining table with a cup in hand. Rupa turned her head back to ask Soma who it was.
“It’s Menika, Nona, the other person who looks after you. She has made you a nice cup of soup.”
“When did she come?”
“She has been here for some time, Nona. She is very fond you.” The two women exchanged looks of sympathetic understanding.
“Ah! Yes, of course,” Rupa sighed, “switch on the lights, will you. I couldn’t recognize her in the dark.”
Rupa’s eyes rested on a basket of orchids on the sideboard. “From where are these orchids? They look beautiful.”
“Why, Nona, they were sent last week by Ranjini Madam for your birthday,” Soma explained patiently.
“Who is this Ranjini Madam?”
“Your daughter, Nona, your daughter who lives in England.” “Ah! Yes. My daughter lives in England.” She paused for a few seconds and continued, “Her son is ill, Kelle, very ill, I am so sad. I can’t help her at all.”
Although her mind meandered without course or direction, the thought of her grandson’s illness stuck like a barnacle in some recess of her mind, not to be easily prised out. This particular memory, often came linked to her memory of her daughter’s illness with meningitis during her childhood. The agony she had suffered at the time was indelibly stamped in her mind. These memories kept resurfacing periodically; while they emerged and submerged, they were never completely lost. They hovered in the background of a fog of temporary forgetfulness.
Rupa took a sip from the bowl the woman Menika offered her. She liked her karapincha soup, she relished its pungent flavour.
“How can you help Ranjini Madam, Nona,” Soma continued the conversation. “You are not well yourself. Anyway, Ranjan Baba will get the best medical care over there. Don’t worry, Nona.”
Rupa’s memories slowly tapered down to nothingness. She is back in the present moment. She looks at her swollen feet and tries to wiggle her toes.
“Water retention, water retention,” she mutters to herself. She hears the sound of a gecko bad omen, bad omen. Suddenly, the purple orchids on the side-board jogs a memory.
“Kelle, what happened to the pot of African violets? It used to be in the veranda. I haven’t seen them for some time.”
“What African violets, Nona? We haven’t had African violets for a long time.”
“Why not?” Rupa sounded annoyed. “The African violet pot Loku Mahattaya brought me for my birthday? They were always in bloom, remember? We used to keep them in the veranda so they would get the morning sun.”
Soma did not want to remind Rupa that her husband was dead 15 years. She loved her Nona and always avoided causing her distress. So, she changed the direction of their conversation.
“Podi Mahattaya called this afternoon to find out how you are getting on. He wanted me to call his friend, Vijita Mahattaya and ask him to get your blood pressure checked. He did not want me to disturb your afternoon nap. He also asked me to tell you that Nishard Baba has got a place in Oxford University. Anyway, he is going to call you tomorrow morning.”
“Where is Ajith? Where is Podi Mahattaya? Is he in Oxford? He did not tell me that he was going to England! Good if he is there, he can be of help to Ranjini Madam. She must be so worried and
unhappy…” The sad memory was about to resurface when Soma interrupted.
“No, Nona, Podi Mahattaya is working in Dubai. He has to work very hard now to educate the two boys and to take care of us. He is so good, Nona, he makes sure that we have everything we need. He is always phoning to find out how we are.”
“Yes, Kella.” Rupa sighed deeply. Tears welled in her eyes. “He has always been a caring and loving child. He … he …” and her voice trailed off. Her tears dried. Something was gnawing at her; something sad but not identifiable. Rupa was back in her depressive apathy.
Ajith Jayasena, structural engineer, worked in Dubai. When he realized that both his sons showed academic ability from their young age, he was determined to give them the best education money could buy. Although he enjoyed his work in Sri Lanka and life in his place of birth, he soon realized that there was no way he could give the boys a foreign education unless he got a much better-paid job overseas.
Dubai was developing and expanding rapidly. High-rise buildings, luxury hotels, new roads and motorways, were coming up at an amazing speed. Dubai was calling out for engineering skills worldwide, and Ajith procured a job well paid and with prospects.
“I am so happy, Putha,” Rupa had exclaimed when she heard of his new employment. “This is a great opportunity for you and your family. Send the two little professors to a good international school over there. They will prepare the boys for higher education.”
Ajith remembered how proud his mother was of the two boys she named ‘My little professors.’ She had been a teacher, at first in Girls’ High School, Kandy, and later privately tutored undergraduates in English; improvement in English skills being a priority of the rural students. As a schoolboy, Ajith’s homework was supervised by her. He would often exclaim in exasperation,,, “Amma, you are such a hard taskmaster. Even the teachers at college are not as wicked as you!”
“Of course, with a lazy and crafty son like you, I have no choice.” Rupa would shout out and sometimes her voice rose. But the invisible vibrations of love that accompanied the scream pulverized and dispersed any anger or resentment that involuntarily rose in the son.
He loved his mother so much that it pained him to see her succumb to old age. He knew it was inevitable, but that did not reduce his pain of mind. He wished he could be with her constantly, because he knew that his presence always cheered and comforted her. They would tease each other incessantly but there was no question about the depth of the maternal-filial love they shared. Despite her age, the mother-child bond was still very strong.
Ajith felt she needed him the most now and needed him close at hand, sharing her pain, her frustration, empathizing with her feeling of incapability, showing her how much he loved her. It would make a difference to his mother, and to him too. But he had his duty by his family: his sons’ welfare had to supersede his mother’s need of him. Of course, there were the flying visits; but these were inadequate. He had to carry on working at his lucrative job to support his sons, his wife and his mother. A deep anxiety was building up within him; especially as he remembered his last visit home.
“Hello Amma!” He had exclaimed, walking toward her with open arms. She had been sitting in her wheelchair in the living I room with a magazine on her lap. She looked up at him blankly. Maybe she had gone blind, he surmised, with alarm. He knew her sight was failing. But when she failed to recognize his voice, he knew it was something graver than her hearing.
“Amma,” he cried, choking with emotion. “I am here to see you.” He bent down, kissed her and took her hand in his. There was no response. His fists clenched and he experienced a lightening in his chest.
Had they lost her? Had she left them and ensconced herself in a world beyond their reach?
“Are you the doctor?” Rupa hesitatingly asked. “You know, doctor, my joints are becoming extremely painful. Can you give me some pain killer?”
Ajith brushed away the tears gathered in his eyes with the back of his hand. Just then Soma entered, wiping her hands in a dish cloth.
“Podi Mahattaya!” she exclaimed joyfully. “What a surprise. When did you come? You never told us you were coming. You’ll stay for lunch, right? I will make your favourite ambulthial. Menika just returned with some fresh thora maalu.”
It was after this welcoming burst that Soma noticed Rupa’s blank expression and Alith’s despondency.
“Nona, Ajith Mahattaya your son is here to see you. He has come all the way from Dubai. Isn’t it wonderful? He is looking good, no?”
He noticed a flicker in Rupa’s tired eyes. She now focused them fully on Ajith’s face a furrow deepening between her eyebrows. Crows’ feet at the outer corners of her eyes wrinkled as she peered deep into his eyes. Recognition was beginning to dawn.
“Ah! Yes, of course!” Her face lit up with joy. “Ajith Putha, it’s lovely to see you! Did you forget to shave this morning?” Ajith sighed with relief. She was back with them. She was back to her normal self, or almost. But the question was for how long?
Ajith pushed aside the papers on his desk and reached for the phone. After just two rings Ranjini answered her mobile phone. “Nangi, how is Ranjan?”
“Not so good.” She did not want to disturb the other patients in the ward, nor did she want her son to hear the conversation. So, she moved out to the corridor.
“He is not responding to the chemotherapy.” Ranjini’s voice was breaking not because of a bad telephone connection, but because she couldn’t get the words out. Between suppressed sobs, Ranjini explained the full extent of her son’s illness.
“He is really suffering, Aiya. He even asked me if he can’t be given an injection to die! I simply don’t know what to do.” The knot in Ajith’s gut tightened. “What about the experimental drugs they told you about?”
“Yes, Aiya, but they also warned me of the risks. There is a chance of an adverse reaction. Ranjan may not pull through. The suffering may be severe. I don’t know what decision to make. Should I say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. I wish Amma was here.”
“What choice do you have, Nangi’? The new drug may work. I think you should go for it. We just have to hope and pray. What about Upali – what does he say?”
“Oh! Upali!” Ranjini heaved a sigh. “He breezes in and out of the hospital to mark the register! He is fully absorbed now with his new family. He says the decision should be mine as I have custody over Ranjan.” She paused. “Do you really think I should go for the new drug?”
“Yes Nangi, I do. That is Ranjan’s only chance, isn’t it?”
“OK then…” Her voice trailed, ending almost inaudibly. Then died, picked up and queried,
“How is Amma? How was she when you last saw her? I feel so bad that I haven’t been to see her for so long. But, you know, AIya…
“Of course, you can’t leave your son. He needs you and Amma fulIy understands. She was OK when I last saw her. Her arthritis is playing up a bit but …”
“Did she recognize you? Soma said that at times she does not know whom she is talking to.”
“No, no, she was OK. She even joked with me about not having shaved.” Ajith tried to laugh it off. Ranjini did not detectt its falsity and seemed relieved. But deep down, she knew her mother was on the decline. She wanted so much to see her and give her some comfort. But what could she do?
After the call, Ranjini returned to her son’s bedside. The doctors were due any moment. The curtains that made a cubicle around her son’s bed were drawn providing privacy. She felt hemmed in, trapped, suffocated by the central heating. The smell of disinfectant and the clinical ambience oppressed her. She longed to go out of doors, out of the hospital to breathe fresh air, fill her lungs with it, feel the cool breeze on her face, brush off the falling leaves from her shoulders and smell the autumn air.
She had made up her mind to inform the doctors she agreed to the experimental drug being administered to her son. She suddenly felt herself jolt. Was she signing Ranjan’s death warrant? Surely, surely not! As her brother had said, this was the only chance to save her son, fraught with risk though it was. This decision had to be made. A black ponderous heaviness seemed to descend on her. Its gloom engulfed her. Her entire body trembled. But an inner strength pushed her mind and body to regain normalcy. It seemed as if some outside force entered her body to make her strong so she could face the ordeal looming close ahead of her.
When she told the doctors, she was willing to take the risk of the new drug, they welcomed her decision. “Yes, Mrs Soysa, that is the only chance your son has. We will do our very best for him. We know what a heavy burden it has been for you to decide, but you have done right.”
Ranjini signed the consent form with trembling hand and racing heart. Her sharply focused, fearful mind and doubting thoughts slowly dissipated once the form was taken away. Mixed with the harrowing worry over her son, was an image of her mother that kept intruding. It was as if a raw nerve tingled. She sat back and assessed her situation. It was dire. Her son was dying in one part of the world and in another was her gradually but surely declining mother. She was boxed in the middle, loving both, caring for both and fearful for both.
She realized this was karma vipaka. A past negative karma had caught up with her and made her a victim. She also realized that this could also change; a good karma of the past might surface and mercifully lighten her present stress and douse the danger. She had to accept it all with equanimity, she decided with resignation.
Ranjini continued to sit beside her son’s bed, with these and other thoughts swirling in her mind. The ward matron tiptoed to her. “We will be moving the patient to a single room Room 1032 on the same floor. He will settle down and feel better when you visit in the evening.”
She was exhausted; she needed to go home, shower and rest before returning. She kissed her sleeping son, whispered a blessing and tiptoed out of the ward.
Ajith was anxious to know how Ranjan was responding to the first dose of the test drug.
“It’s too early to tell,” Ranjini replied with hope in her voice. They say his condition is stable and there has been a slight positive reaction. But three more doses and then more scans and blood tests will give us an indication of how matters are progressing. I just live in hope, Aiya.”
“Don’t you worry, Nangi, things will work out. My friend, Vijita has arranged for a senior monk of the Dalada Maligawa to conduct pirith chanting daily until Ranjan takes a turn for the better. That will surely help. He is also doing a bodhi pooja. You just spread metta while being with Ranjan, and even at home. Pirith vibrations do have a powerful and positive effect. So, cheer up, girl! If you can,” he added.
A few days later, Vijita called Ajith from Peradeniya. “Machang, your Amma has gone down with a chest infection and I have entered her to the Kandy Hospital. She seems to be getting weaker by the day. Maybe you should come over.”
Ajith took the earliest available flight to Sri Lanka. He decided not to inform Ranjini until he assessed their mother’s condition. Going home to drop his suitcase, he found Soma distraught.
“Mahattaya, our Nona is very ill. She does not recognize anyone, even me. However bad her memory had become she always knew who I was. You see, I have always been with her, never left her alone.” This deterioration of her mistress affected Soma badly. It stung like a hundred debaras and nibbled into her like a hundred kadiyas.
Rupa was conscious of a struggle going on within her, as though her life force was trying to liberate itself from the restraining clutches of her physical body. She drifted momentarily out of consciousness but was soon aware of her body and mind. She felt her body jerk once, twice, thrice and then relax. She lay very still as though dead but not quite dead. Her breathing turned shallow, not laboured. Minute by minute, drip by drip, her life was ebbing away. She was no longer in pain. Not wanting to struggle to live, she just let her life slip away. She clung to nothing. She gradually became aware of a deep, deep peace envelope her being.
She opened her eyes and saw Ajith standing by her bedside. She looked direct into his eyes. In that instant Ajith knew his mother had regained her memory and was fully conscious of what was going on. Her eyes were windows to her inner being. He saw in them a calm acceptance and a deep serenity. She gave him a beautiful smile. He held her hand firmly, hoping his energy would flow into her.
“Putha,” she whispered, barely audible. He bent down and placed his ear near her lips. “I am fine, Putha just let me go.” Ajith kissed his mother’s forehead and continued holding her hand, more gently now. He lightly stroked her arm with his other hand and chanted a stanza of pirith. While there was an underlying sadness, there was also much comfort in the acceptance of her end and the knowledge that his mother was now at peace no longer trapped in a painful decaying body.
He rang for the resident doctor who came immediately and confirmed that the patient had died.
Ajith went out of the room after a last farewell and phoned his sister.
“Nangi, Amma just passed away. It was very peaceful. She looks so serene. She told me just before she breathed her last, that she was fine and relieved of all pain.”
“Yes, Aiya, I know.”
“She came to say goodbye.”
“Yes,” Ranjini continued, after a short pause. He heard her deep breathing, but no sob.
“I was sitting by Ranjan’s bed. I was tired, so I lay my head on the edge of the bed. Maybe I dozed off; maybe I dreamed Perhaps my thoughts had gone to Amma in a dream-like state I was however conscious of me in hospital beside my son who was fast asleep. I heard the words Baby Girl and it was Amma’s voice soft and clear. I distinctly heard this. I had forgotten that she used that name for me. That remembrance woke me, I sat up. And then I saw her standing by the door luminous, ethereal, beautiful. She had a lovely smile and her eyes were really bright I had never seen her so radiant.”
“‘Ranji-Boy is going to be all right,’ she said, and I heard het clearly. Her message penetrated my brain and I suddenly felt such optimism, and gratitude too. I told her I was sorry I could not visit her. She said, `I understand,’ with such love in her voice. `I understand. I was a mother too.’ Then she disappeared.”
There was silence from the other end of the telephone connection. “Aiya, are you there?”
“You know something?”
“I feel as if a huge dark cloud has lifted off me. I feel a great sense of relief, and funnily enough, gladness too.”
“So do I,” added Ajith.
The heart-friendly health minister

by Dr Gotabhya Ranasinghe
Senior Consultant Cardiologist
National Hospital Sri Lanka
When we sought a meeting with Hon Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, Minister of Health, he graciously cleared his busy schedule to accommodate us. Renowned for his attentive listening and deep understanding, Minister Pathirana is dedicated to advancing the health sector. His openness and transparency exemplify the qualities of an exemplary politician and minister.
Dr. Palitha Mahipala, the current Health Secretary, demonstrates both commendable enthusiasm and unwavering support. This combination of attributes makes him a highly compatible colleague for the esteemed Minister of Health.
Our discussion centered on a project that has been in the works for the past 30 years, one that no other minister had managed to advance.
Minister Pathirana, however, recognized the project’s significance and its potential to revolutionize care for heart patients.
The project involves the construction of a state-of-the-art facility at the premises of the National Hospital Colombo. The project’s location within the premises of the National Hospital underscores its importance and relevance to the healthcare infrastructure of the nation.
This facility will include a cardiology building and a tertiary care center, equipped with the latest technology to handle and treat all types of heart-related conditions and surgeries.
Securing funding was a major milestone for this initiative. Minister Pathirana successfully obtained approval for a $40 billion loan from the Asian Development Bank. With the funding in place, the foundation stone is scheduled to be laid in September this year, and construction will begin in January 2025.
This project guarantees a consistent and uninterrupted supply of stents and related medications for heart patients. As a result, patients will have timely access to essential medical supplies during their treatment and recovery. By securing these critical resources, the project aims to enhance patient outcomes, minimize treatment delays, and maintain the highest standards of cardiac care.
Upon its fruition, this monumental building will serve as a beacon of hope and healing, symbolizing the unwavering dedication to improving patient outcomes and fostering a healthier society.We anticipate a future marked by significant progress and positive outcomes in Sri Lanka’s cardiovascular treatment landscape within the foreseeable timeframe.

by Fr. Emmanuel Fernando, OMI
Jesuit Fr. Aloysius Pieris (affectionately called Fr. Aloy) celebrated his 90th birthday on April 9, 2024 and I, as the editor of our Oblate Journal, THE MISSIONARY OBLATE had gone to press by that time. Immediately I decided to publish an article, appreciating the untiring selfless services he continues to offer for inter-Faith dialogue, the renewal of the Catholic Church, his concern for the poor and the suffering Sri Lankan masses and to me, the present writer.
It was in 1988, when I was appointed Director of the Oblate Scholastics at Ampitiya by the then Oblate Provincial Fr. Anselm Silva, that I came to know Fr. Aloy more closely. Knowing well his expertise in matters spiritual, theological, Indological and pastoral, and with the collaborative spirit of my companion-formators, our Oblate Scholastics were sent to Tulana, the Research and Encounter Centre, Kelaniya, of which he is the Founder-Director, for ‘exposure-programmes’ on matters spiritual, biblical, theological and pastoral. Some of these dimensions according to my view and that of my companion-formators, were not available at the National Seminary, Ampitiya.
Ever since that time, our Oblate formators/ accompaniers at the Oblate Scholasticate, Ampitiya , have continued to send our Oblate Scholastics to Tulana Centre for deepening their insights and convictions regarding matters needed to serve the people in today’s context. Fr. Aloy also had tried very enthusiastically with the Oblate team headed by Frs. Oswald Firth and Clement Waidyasekara to begin a Theologate, directed by the Religious Congregations in Sri Lanka, for the contextual formation/ accompaniment of their members. It should very well be a desired goal of the Leaders / Provincials of the Religious Congregations.
Besides being a formator/accompanier at the Oblate Scholasticate, I was entrusted also with the task of editing and publishing our Oblate journal, ‘The Missionary Oblate’. To maintain the quality of the journal I continue to depend on Fr. Aloy for his thought-provoking and stimulating articles on Biblical Spirituality, Biblical Theology and Ecclesiology. I am very grateful to him for his generous assistance. Of late, his writings on renewal of the Church, initiated by Pope St. John XX111 and continued by Pope Francis through the Synodal path, published in our Oblate journal, enable our readers to focus their attention also on the needed renewal in the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka. Fr. Aloy appreciated very much the Synodal path adopted by the Jesuit Pope Francis for the renewal of the Church, rooted very much on prayerful discernment. In my Religious and presbyteral life, Fr.Aloy continues to be my spiritual animator / guide and ongoing formator / acccompanier.
Fr. Aloysius Pieris, BA Hons (Lond), LPh (SHC, India), STL (PFT, Naples), PhD (SLU/VC), ThD (Tilburg), D.Ltt (KU), has been one of the eminent Asian theologians well recognized internationally and one who has lectured and held visiting chairs in many universities both in the West and in the East. Many members of Religious Congregations from Asian countries have benefited from his lectures and guidance in the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) in Manila, Philippines. He had been a Theologian consulted by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences for many years. During his professorship at the Gregorian University in Rome, he was called to be a member of a special group of advisers on other religions consulted by Pope Paul VI.
Fr. Aloy is the author of more than 30 books and well over 500 Research Papers. Some of his books and articles have been translated and published in several countries. Among those books, one can find the following: 1) The Genesis of an Asian Theology of Liberation (An Autobiographical Excursus on the Art of Theologising in Asia, 2) An Asian Theology of Liberation, 3) Providential Timeliness of Vatican 11 (a long-overdue halt to a scandalous millennium, 4) Give Vatican 11 a chance, 5) Leadership in the Church, 6) Relishing our faith in working for justice (Themes for study and discussion), 7) A Message meant mainly, not exclusively for Jesuits (Background information necessary for helping Francis renew the Church), 8) Lent in Lanka (Reflections and Resolutions, 9) Love meets wisdom (A Christian Experience of Buddhism, 10) Fire and Water 11) God’s Reign for God’s poor, 12) Our Unhiddden Agenda (How we Jesuits work, pray and form our men). He is also the Editor of two journals, Vagdevi, Journal of Religious Reflection and Dialogue, New Series.
Fr. Aloy has a BA in Pali and Sanskrit from the University of London and a Ph.D in Buddhist Philosophy from the University of Sri Lankan, Vidyodaya Campus. On Nov. 23, 2019, he was awarded the prestigious honorary Doctorate of Literature (D.Litt) by the Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya, the Most Venerable Welamitiyawe Dharmakirthi Sri Kusala Dhamma Thera.
Fr. Aloy continues to be a promoter of Gospel values and virtues. Justice as a constitutive dimension of love and social concern for the downtrodden masses are very much noted in his life and work. He had very much appreciated the commitment of the late Fr. Joseph (Joe) Fernando, the National Director of the Social and Economic Centre (SEDEC) for the poor.
In Sri Lanka, a few religious Congregations – the Good Shepherd Sisters, the Christian Brothers, the Marist Brothers and the Oblates – have invited him to animate their members especially during their Provincial Congresses, Chapters and International Conferences. The mainline Christian Churches also have sought his advice and followed his seminars. I, for one, regret very much, that the Sri Lankan authorities of the Catholic Church –today’s Hierarchy—- have not sought Fr.
Aloy’s expertise for the renewal of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka and thus have not benefited from the immense store of wisdom and insight that he can offer to our local Church while the Sri Lankan bishops who governed the Catholic church in the immediate aftermath of the Second Vatican Council (Edmund Fernando OMI, Anthony de Saram, Leo Nanayakkara OSB, Frank Marcus Fernando, Paul Perera,) visited him and consulted him on many matters. Among the Tamil Bishops, Bishop Rayappu Joseph was keeping close contact with him and Bishop J. Deogupillai hosted him and his team visiting him after the horrible Black July massacre of Tamils.
A fairy tale, success or debacle

Sri Lanka-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
By Gomi Senadhira
“You might tell fairy tales, but the progress of a country cannot be achieved through such narratives. A country cannot be developed by making false promises. The country moved backward because of the electoral promises made by political parties throughout time. We have witnessed that the ultimate result of this is the country becoming bankrupt. Unfortunately, many segments of the population have not come to realize this yet.” – President Ranil Wickremesinghe, 2024 Budget speech
Any Sri Lankan would agree with the above words of President Wickremesinghe on the false promises our politicians and officials make and the fairy tales they narrate which bankrupted this country. So, to understand this, let’s look at one such fairy tale with lots of false promises; Ranil Wickremesinghe’s greatest achievement in the area of international trade and investment promotion during the Yahapalana period, Sri Lanka-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SLSFTA).
It is appropriate and timely to do it now as Finance Minister Wickremesinghe has just presented to parliament a bill on the National Policy on Economic Transformation which includes the establishment of an Office for International Trade and the Sri Lanka Institute of Economics and International Trade.
Was SLSFTA a “Cleverly negotiated Free Trade Agreement” as stated by the (former) Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama during the Parliamentary Debate on the SLSFTA in July 2018, or a colossal blunder covered up with lies, false promises, and fairy tales? After SLSFTA was signed there were a number of fairy tales published on this agreement by the Ministry of Development Strategies and International, Institute of Policy Studies, and others.
However, for this article, I would like to limit my comments to the speech by Minister Samarawickrama during the Parliamentary Debate, and the two most important areas in the agreement which were covered up with lies, fairy tales, and false promises, namely: revenue loss for Sri Lanka and Investment from Singapore. On the other important area, “Waste products dumping” I do not want to comment here as I have written extensively on the issue.
1. The revenue loss
During the Parliamentary Debate in July 2018, Minister Samarawickrama stated “…. let me reiterate that this FTA with Singapore has been very cleverly negotiated by us…. The liberalisation programme under this FTA has been carefully designed to have the least impact on domestic industry and revenue collection. We have included all revenue sensitive items in the negative list of items which will not be subject to removal of tariff. Therefore, 97.8% revenue from Customs duty is protected. Our tariff liberalisation will take place over a period of 12-15 years! In fact, the revenue earned through tariffs on goods imported from Singapore last year was Rs. 35 billion.
The revenue loss for over the next 15 years due to the FTA is only Rs. 733 million– which when annualised, on average, is just Rs. 51 million. That is just 0.14% per year! So anyone who claims the Singapore FTA causes revenue loss to the Government cannot do basic arithmetic! Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, I call on my fellow members of this House – don’t mislead the public with baseless criticism that is not grounded in facts. Don’t look at petty politics and use these issues for your own political survival.”
I was surprised to read the minister’s speech because an article published in January 2018 in “The Straits Times“, based on information released by the Singaporean Negotiators stated, “…. With the FTA, tariff savings for Singapore exports are estimated to hit $10 million annually“.
As the annual tariff savings (that is the revenue loss for Sri Lanka) calculated by the Singaporean Negotiators, Singaporean $ 10 million (Sri Lankan rupees 1,200 million in 2018) was way above the rupees’ 733 million revenue loss for 15 years estimated by the Sri Lankan negotiators, it was clear to any observer that one of the parties to the agreement had not done the basic arithmetic!
Six years later, according to a report published by “The Morning” newspaper, speaking at the Committee on Public Finance (COPF) on 7th May 2024, Mr Samarawickrama’s chief trade negotiator K.J. Weerasinghehad had admitted “…. that forecasted revenue loss for the Government of Sri Lanka through the Singapore FTA is Rs. 450 million in 2023 and Rs. 1.3 billion in 2024.”
If these numbers are correct, as tariff liberalisation under the SLSFTA has just started, we will pass Rs 2 billion very soon. Then, the question is how Sri Lanka’s trade negotiators made such a colossal blunder. Didn’t they do their basic arithmetic? If they didn’t know how to do basic arithmetic they should have at least done their basic readings. For example, the headline of the article published in The Straits Times in January 2018 was “Singapore, Sri Lanka sign FTA, annual savings of $10m expected”.
Anyway, as Sri Lanka’s chief negotiator reiterated at the COPF meeting that “…. since 99% of the tariffs in Singapore have zero rates of duty, Sri Lanka has agreed on 80% tariff liberalisation over a period of 15 years while expecting Singapore investments to address the imbalance in trade,” let’s turn towards investment.
Investment from Singapore
In July 2018, speaking during the Parliamentary Debate on the FTA this is what Minister Malik Samarawickrama stated on investment from Singapore, “Already, thanks to this FTA, in just the past two-and-a-half months since the agreement came into effect we have received a proposal from Singapore for investment amounting to $ 14.8 billion in an oil refinery for export of petroleum products. In addition, we have proposals for a steel manufacturing plant for exports ($ 1 billion investment), flour milling plant ($ 50 million), sugar refinery ($ 200 million). This adds up to more than $ 16.05 billion in the pipeline on these projects alone.
And all of these projects will create thousands of more jobs for our people. In principle approval has already been granted by the BOI and the investors are awaiting the release of land the environmental approvals to commence the project.
I request the Opposition and those with vested interests to change their narrow-minded thinking and join us to develop our country. We must always look at what is best for the whole community, not just the few who may oppose. We owe it to our people to courageously take decisions that will change their lives for the better.”
According to the media report I quoted earlier, speaking at the Committee on Public Finance (COPF) Chief Negotiator Weerasinghe has admitted that Sri Lanka was not happy with overall Singapore investments that have come in the past few years in return for the trade liberalisation under the Singapore-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement. He has added that between 2021 and 2023 the total investment from Singapore had been around $162 million!
What happened to those projects worth $16 billion negotiated, thanks to the SLSFTA, in just the two-and-a-half months after the agreement came into effect and approved by the BOI? I do not know about the steel manufacturing plant for exports ($ 1 billion investment), flour milling plant ($ 50 million) and sugar refinery ($ 200 million).
However, story of the multibillion-dollar investment in the Petroleum Refinery unfolded in a manner that would qualify it as the best fairy tale with false promises presented by our politicians and the officials, prior to 2019 elections.
Though many Sri Lankans got to know, through the media which repeatedly highlighted a plethora of issues surrounding the project and the questionable credentials of the Singaporean investor, the construction work on the Mirrijiwela Oil Refinery along with the cement factory began on the24th of March 2019 with a bang and Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and his ministers along with the foreign and local dignitaries laid the foundation stones.
That was few months before the 2019 Presidential elections. Inaugurating the construction work Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the projects will create thousands of job opportunities in the area and surrounding districts.
The oil refinery, which was to be built over 200 acres of land, with the capacity to refine 200,000 barrels of crude oil per day, was to generate US$7 billion of exports and create 1,500 direct and 3,000 indirect jobs. The construction of the refinery was to be completed in 44 months. Four years later, in August 2023 the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by President Ranil Wickremesinghe to cancel the agreement with the investors of the refinery as the project has not been implemented! Can they explain to the country how much money was wasted to produce that fairy tale?
It is obvious that the President, ministers, and officials had made huge blunders and had deliberately misled the public and the parliament on the revenue loss and potential investment from SLSFTA with fairy tales and false promises.
As the president himself said, a country cannot be developed by making false promises or with fairy tales and these false promises and fairy tales had bankrupted the country. “Unfortunately, many segments of the population have not come to realize this yet”.
(The writer, a specialist and an activist on trade and development issues . )