AG, IRD in battle over Rs 10 bn faulty RAMIS
Auditor General W. P. C Wickremaratne has questioned the continuing refusal on the part of the Inland Revenue Department to furnish the service agreement with a Singaporean company that installed the faulty RAMIS (Random Access Management Information System) at a cost of more than Rs 10 bn.
Wickremaratne, seated next to COPA (Committee on Public Accounts) Chairman Kabir Hashim, pointed out that the IRD had also refused to disclose payments made to the Singaporean company.
The IRD team reiterated that the disclosure of the service agreement would be a violation of the understanding with the company as well as the Singaporean government, according to a statement issued by the Parliament.
The IRD also said that the RAMIS system introduced in 2014 had to be updated in line with the Inland Revenue Act No 24 of 2027. The COPA appointed two committees to explore ways and means of addressing the issues at hand and take tangible
measures to update the RAMIS system. The committee led by Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardena will include Attorney (or Auditor?) General’s Department representatives.
The COPA Chairman pointed out that quite a substantial amount had been spent on RAMIS in addition to Rs 10 billion since 2014. (SF)