
Adopt a leopard at 8000 rupees a day



By Ifham Nizam

PIC BY Ushan Gunasekera

Animal lovers can adopt a leopard at 8000 rupees a day as a part of an effort to encourage animal lovers to become adoptive parents of an animal, Director General of the Dehiwala Zoo, Dr. Thilak Premakantha told The Island.Those interested in adopting an animal could do so under four packages; silver, gold, diamond and platinum.

Dr. Premakantha added that in the event of a food crisis at the Dehiwala Zoo, they were planning to release spotted deer to suitable locations in consultation with the Department of Wildlife. He said that it had to be done systematically as they were semi wild animals and thus had lost some instincts that help them survive in the wild.He said that four animals of a species would be sufficient for display purpose in the zoo. The Director said food items were bought through an annual tender.

They were now substituting expensive foods with cheaper alternatives as a solution to the food and economic crisis, Dr. Premakantha said.Accordingly, animals that eat fruits such as apples and oranges are now given fruits such as avocado. Birds that ate expensive sunflower seeds, now eat local seeds.He also said that anyone who wanted to feed the animals could donate dry food, milk powder for the tiger cubs and materials like sugarcane for the elephants at the zoo.

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