Abuse, praise, and appreciation for past and present actions
I have just read about the Japanese organiser of the Olympics opening ceremony or is the word I need choreographer, being sacked because he had made some jokes regarding the holocaust over 20 years ago! The Olympic games have attracted much controversy, and this may be just another desperate attempt to heap disrepute on the games. My opinion, for anyone who may care to read and even dissect it in detail to fulfil otherwise empty lives not to mention columns in newspapers, is that the GAMES MUST GO ON. If and when athletes from Israel were murdered during the Munich games, the decision was made to continue, what is the problem with a pandemic? A disease that by all accounts leads to only mild flu-like symptoms in people of the age and fitness who will participate in these games. There is no way to predict the possible long-term effects of Covid19 for the simple reason
Some praise and kind comments have been directed at me for the piece I wrote last week about some of my teachers and coaches who shaped my life during my school days. It is good to see that many of my fellow students also appreciate the direction and guidance that we received. Direction and guidance that today would have been called abuse or even worse! I apologise once again for the omissions I have made; I know there are many but to include everyone would entail writing a large volume similar in size to the “Halls Algebra” associated with those school days and probably would attract as much derision and even hatred. Furthermore, it would probably be never read in totality as was the case with the aforementioned tome.
Advocates of the banishment of dual citizens have been mightily stirred by certain comments I made in this regard. All I can say to them is your tried and tested system of nationalism, combined with your frog-in-the-well syndrome had FAILED. The typical arrogance and small-mindedness displayed by comments like “some dual citizens only have experience in pumping petrol and running grocery stores” or words to that effect, only display the lack of appreciation for the life experience of those who have not had the courage to venture out into the real world. Yes, courage to leave the safety and security of your families and your heritage and become in most cases, second-class citizens battling life in “real terms” and learning to appreciate what they have left behind. A vital reason for the decisions to leave has been left out, either deliberately or otherwise, that being providing a future for our children. When we see the current situation of our beloved Pearl and yes, the current situation of the classmates and peers of our children, we feel the anguish of our fellow parents who for reasons which we have no right to pass judgment on, chose, or were compelled to stay behind.
On the subject of judgments and contempt of court. One of our beloved parliamentarians languishing in jail on a contempt of court charge. What about the convicted murderer who was released on a presidential pardon and then given a top government job? Isn’t that an example of complete and utter contempt of court, not to mention the rule of law? Not only are there no charges forthcoming, but none of our “single citizen” parliamentarians’ or even members of the various lawyers’ associations are also making any noises. The usual deafening silence ensues.
Some critics have called upon dual citizens who wish to help in trying to rectify the situation in the Pearl to give up their dual citizenship and return. Now, we may be accused of being disloyal, traitorous, foolish, or even misbegotten offspring of baboons, but we are not brain-damaged! To give up the result of a carefully reasoned and thought-out decision (that has been proven so right in retrospect) and deliberately lower your station in life, struggle through the aforementioned trials and tribulations, gain a foothold in a country that can provide a future and direction for our children and then GIVE IT UP. Give it up for what? To try and convince a country with a system that is so corrupt that it is almost beyond redemption that corruption is a crime, and that the judiciary should be respected, and the rule of law obeyed? Ask the countless people who have tried and don’t keep throwing the names of Harsha De Silva and Eran Wickramaratne at us in spasms of increasing desperation.
Individuals are powerless. We are now in a situation that will take many generations to rectify. Children must be taught civic values in schools. It will take multiple generations and infinite patience from voters to try and rectify the damage done in 70 years of misrule and social neglect. Using examples from citizens of countries that have adhered to these values and proved “successful” is deemed wrong! I weep for you my beloved mother Country; I weep for you and all the “values and standards” that you either hold dear or have been thrust upon you.