
A true ‘Master’ passes away



The new year greetings of hope for 2021 were marred by the news that ‘Master’ Weerasingham, an English teacher of excellent repute at Royal College who subsequently settled in Canberra had passed away at age 92

Tiddy Wijeratne, Don Abey, Beryl Dias Abeysinghe (widow of a former High Commissioner) and ‘Master’, as he was fondly referred to, were the Canberra  senior seniors who graced all our Mission functions regularly despite being handicapped by mobility issues that are normal for those  beyond four score and ten.

They graciously lit the Lamp  to celebrate  events and their blessings stayed with us throughout the year.

Don Abey, a mountain of knowledge, Tiddy a cricket connoisseur and gentleman player in his time, and Beryl, gracious and elegant right up to to her 99th b’day, have all passed on to the heavens  above and  with ‘Master’ joining  them, our  community in Canberra will  bid farewell to  yet another of its  much respected elders.

To me ‘Master’ was more than a teacher. A very dear friend whose deep affection was shared mutually to the extent that we spoke on the phone almost every week end after my return home from my posting in Canberra in May 2019.

He was compassionate  as he was wise and a meal at his home was always a joy because he insisted on cooking for his guests. 

On such evenings the ‘Master Teacher’ not only excelled as a ‘Master Chef’ but was also the perfect host to his guests ranging from grateful students to prominent members of the community. His dedicated physician Dr. Sivakumaran was often a special guest.

Rest in Peace Dear ‘Master’. You have more than fulfilled your purpose on Earth and your legendary legacy as a teacher, counsellor, and a deeply caring friend will I am certain  live on in Canberra and in the hearts of all who knew you. Needless to say there will be his students the world over who will be paying their respects in an appropriate way to a Guru they loved and respected very much.

A final word of appreciation for his daughter, Sulochana, and son-in-law  Saravanan for their unconditional love and care of ‘Master’ at their home even though they had the option of placing him in elders care in his final challenging years. Bless them both.

Although a familiar week end voice has been stilled for me, the happy memories will remain.




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