
A record of proud service



Lakmani R Welgama Chairperson Upali Newspapers Ltd

The Island was not started solely to cater to the people’s right to be informed. Promoting the national interest was also one of its main objectives. The reading public is appreciative of the manner in which The Island has safeguarded the national interest in a country which engages with and is open to the rest of the world.

I would like to remember with gratitude, all those members of the staff who worked for The Island over the years, but are no more with us. I also wish to thank the staffers of The Island and our readers for their loyalty over the years. My thanks also go out, on this occasion, to the institutions that advertise with us, the advertising agencies and our news agents.

As The Island begins its 40th year of publication, we move forward with renewed vigour along the chosen path.

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