
A/L exam: Govt. to make special statement today



Education Minister Susil Premajayantha told Parliament yesterday that the Commissioner General of Examinations would soon reveal whether this year’s GCE A/L examination would be postponed or not.

The Minister said so in response to a proposal made by SJB MP Rohini Kaviratne, who called for postponing the A/L examinations until January 2024.

MP Kaviratne proposed that the A/L Examination be held from 22 January to 17 February, 2024.

She said that the A/L results could be released by May, and next year’s A/L examination could be held in October.

The Education Minister acknowledged the proposal’s merit but emphasised that the final decision lay with the Commissioner General of Examinations.

He said that his intention was to request the Commissioner General to make an announcement expeditiously.

Minister Premajayantha said that a special statement about the GCE A/L examination would be made in the House today (21).

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