
100+ graduate at 1st JAT Pintharoo Shilpee Abhiman convocation



JAT Pintharoo Shilpee Abhiman is a pioneering programme that was launched by JAT Holdings PLC, Sri Lanka’s market leader in wood coatings, in partnership with the National Apprentice Industrial Training Authority (NAITA), to uplift the industry and to help promising painters and carpenters build their lives and hone their craft, by providing these skilled but uncertified individuals with a formal certification in their field of work. Under this programme, NAITA has provided 100+ painters/woodcraftsmen, identified by JAT Holdings, with an NVQ Level 3 Wood Craftsman (Wood Finisher) Certification, upon the successful completion of an examination conducted by NAITA. This is the first such collaboration of this nature to offer certification for highly-skilled individuals, and is a milestone, not just for JAT Holdings, but for the industry as a whole.

These painters/woodcraftsmen, made up of 7 batches that successfully completed the programme, were formally presented with their certifications at the JAT Pintharoo Shilpee Abhiman Convocation Ceremony, held on the 6th of October 2022, at the JAT Holdings Auditorium. Individuals who obtained the NVQ Level 3 Certification, and who are also members of the JAT Loyalty Programme, are eligible to apply for a loan from HDFC bank to further their business interests. One such eligible painter/woodcraftsmen obtained the first such loan under this programme, which was ceremonially disbursed to him at the Convocation.

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